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Телефон Сименс С45 та зарядне для нього
Max bid:
11.02.2025, 10:42
11.02.2025, 10:42
Watching the lot: 0No one is following
11.02.2025, 10:42
11.02.2025, 10:42
25.02.2025, 10:42:00 +5m
Until the end
Current price (0 bids)
Телефон при підключенні зарядки засвічується, але більше нічого не відбувається. На задній кришці телефона є тріщина. Зарядне до телефону С45 працює.
Ukraine, Kharkiv oblast, Pivdenne
Cash payment, PrivatBank
Sending lot to:

Nova Poshta, Ukrposhta, Personal meeting Pivdenne (according to the current legislation of the seller's country of residence).
Телефон Сименс С45 колись працював справно та ніколи не ремонтувався.

Seller's other lots
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- Quadcopters (drones)
- Gas Generators
- Erotic Clothes
- Clothing For Babies (from 0 To 5 Years)
- All For Baptism
- Outerwear, Jumpsuits For Babies
- Sweaters, Blouses, Shirts For Babies
- Pants, Trousers, Shorts For Babies
- Skirts And Dresses For Babies
- T-shirts For Babies
- Sportswear For Babies
- Socks, Tights, Booties, Slippers For Babies
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How does AUTO BIDDING work
This is a function that helps you place bids automatically in case your bet is interrupted.
For example, current lot price is UAH 120. You are ready to bargain up to UAH 5 000. Enter 5 000 in the field "Automatic bargaining" and click "Place Bet". As a result, your new rate will appear, but not in the amount of UAH 5 000, but only UAH 121. In this case, the system will remember that you are ready to bargain up to UAH 5 000, and will make the necessary bids for you if the price continues to rise.
Let's say another participant places a bet of UAH 2 000. Then the system will automatically place your bet of 2 001 UAH. And only if someone places a bet more than UAH 5 000, you will receive a notification that your auto rate has been interrupted.
For example, current lot price is UAH 120. You are ready to bargain up to UAH 5 000. Enter 5 000 in the field "Automatic bargaining" and click "Place Bet". As a result, your new rate will appear, but not in the amount of UAH 5 000, but only UAH 121. In this case, the system will remember that you are ready to bargain up to UAH 5 000, and will make the necessary bids for you if the price continues to rise.
Let's say another participant places a bet of UAH 2 000. Then the system will automatically place your bet of 2 001 UAH. And only if someone places a bet more than UAH 5 000, you will receive a notification that your auto rate has been interrupted.
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