Airbus will test an unmanned helicopter

Airbus will test an unmanned helicopter

15 November 2019, 18:47
A source: ©
The European company Airbus Helicopters, specializing in the construction of aircraft, introduced its unmanned helicopter VSR700. The novelty was developed for the French Navy

The unmanned helicopter, which was presented by Airbus Helicopters, was called the VSR700. The device was developed by order of the French Navy.

At the heart of the unmanned helicopter, Airbus designers used the Guimbal Cabri G2 manned two-seater helicopter. This device can be in the air without recharging up to ten hours and cover distances of up to 185 km, writes Flightglobal.

It is also reported that the carrying capacity of the device is 250 kg, the length is 6.3 m. The diameter of its rotor is 7.2 m, and the maximum speed of the VSR700 is 160 km / h.

The novelty from Airbus is planned to be used on the decks of French frigates and destroyers. Tentatively, it will enter service as early as next year.
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