Knightscope security robots turned out to be cowardly informants - media

Knightscope security robots turned out to be cowardly informants - media

16 November 2019, 19:02
A source: ©
Knightscope robotic security devices designed to protect shopping centers and other public spaces only collect information about visitors. And very personal

Security robots collect information about visitors to shopping centers, entertainment complexes, car parks. They are rented by police to patrol different sites. But recently, they have ceased to fulfill their assigned functions, rather, on the contrary.

During patrols, Knightscope K5 collect information from license plates, analyze information in the media or social networks. This is to prevent potential violations. They are even able to recognize odors and see in the dark, Popular Mechanics informs.

It is reported that a few months ago, Knightscope K5 asked one woman to clear his way after she pressed the police call button. She just needed to stop the fight. But the robot policeman just left, asking along the way to not litter in the parks.

It turned out that the programs of these robots do not provide for the prevention of offenses. But they know how to perfectly spy on people. Their main goal is to collect data, including scanning car license plates, face recognition, identifying mobile devices and recording their MAC addresses and IP addresses.
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