Humpback whale numbers rise to 30% - IWC

Humpback whale numbers rise to 30% - IWC

19 November 2019, 22:39
A source: ©
Humpback whales are gradually being saved from extinction. Their numbers are increasing. This conclusion was reached by experts from the International Commission on Whale Fishing (IWC).

According to research data, in the XIX century the number of humpback whales was more than 100 thousand individuals. Toward the end of the 50s of the 20th century, there were about 440 individuals. In 1986, the catch of these giant marine mammals was banned, after which their population began to gradually recover, according to THE ROYAL SOCIETY.

The IWC notes that at the moment, the number of humpback whales is estimated to be one third of the animal population before their mass extermination. This means that the ban on fishing still worked.

On the territory of the Western Atlantic, the number of mammals is estimated as 25 thousand units, that is, 90% of the initial data.
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