In France, built a mini-hotel from the movie about James Bond (PHOTOS)

In France, built a mini-hotel from the movie about James Bond (PHOTOS)

26 December 2019, 14:44
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Naval architect Jean-Michel Ducansel from France presented the final stage of his project. He created the Floating Mini-Hotel, inspired by James Bond movies.

This houseboat completely duplicates the structure from the legendary James Bond picture “The Spy Who Loved Me,” Fastory reports.

According to the author of the project, the floating mini-hotel will be launched into mass production in the near future. Important for the launch of mass production was the award for innovations in tourism in 2019.

The floating hotel consists of two floors, one of which is below sea level. This arrangement allows visitors to observe the underwater beauties.

In addition to this, the mini-hotel is an autonomous construction. There are solar panels for generating electricity and a water filtration system.

“Floating, round, mobile, unsinkable, autonomous, eco-friendly, with 360-degree visibility and underwater windows - this is the unique Anthenea house, a revolutionary living environment for today and tomorrow,” the architect says.

Recall that earlier the designers told which four objects can visually expand a small bathroom.

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