Three in one — family home in London (Photo)

Three in one — family home in London (Photo)

20 January 2020, 15:24
A source: ©
The house in London, which was created from three apartments by designer Nicola Harding, departed from the principles of classical modernist architecture. The determining factor here was his appearance.

To create this space, a married couple from London combined three apartments in a 19th-century house. As a complement, atmospheric colors and a characteristic ratio of furniture were used, informs "Archidea."

The architect's project focuses on an atmospheric approach to colors, thoughtful use of drawing and well-chosen antiques. Due to the fact that the space of the house during life becomes somewhat chaotic, Nicola Harding took a desperate step. She streamlined the design of the house with the help of a palette that is characteristic of the design of the XIX century.

The architect surrounded the existing antiques with a special space. She managed to create a house with a story. A house that seemed to fill up for decades.

“Like many other houses in the area, our house was created over the years, but some of the homes of our neighbors have been in their families for many years and have the character of a family. Our house is different,” says the hostess.

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