Amazon creates technology that allows you to pay in stores with your palm

Amazon creates technology that allows you to pay in stores with your palm

20 January 2020, 22:35
A source: ©
Amazon is working to create a special technology that allows you to pay in stores with the palm of your hand. This method of payment will be an alternative to using cash and payment cards.

The forces of the company at retail outlets will mark out cash registers that will link the palm print and the bank account. This is reported by informs by The Wall Street Journal.

Before the first operation, the palm of the user of the service should be scanned. This is necessary to fix the texture of the skin, existing bumps, veins. All biometric information will be stored on the Amazon cloud.

According to the plans of the company, this technology will be implemented in coffee houses, fast food restaurants, as well as places with significant traffic. She has already become interested in Visa, MastercardJPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo and Synchrony Financial.

Recently it was reported that Akhan Semiconductor has developed a heavy-duty diamond glass, which can be used to make foldable smartphones.
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