Children and gadgets: psychologists talked about how to deal with addiction

Children and gadgets: psychologists talked about how to deal with addiction

20 January 2020, 23:11
A source: ©
Gadget addiction is starting to seriously bother. Concerned parents constantly turn to psychologists and teachers with questions about her. Specialists gave effective recommendations on this.

It is important to remember the healthy relationship between real and virtual life. You should try so that the first prevails in the life of the child. This can only be done by raising interest and joy in the world around us, writes Houzz.

It’s best not to introduce your child to gadgets. No way. For example, in Taiwan, several years ago, the law forbade giving computer gadgets to children under two years of age. Psychologists say that it’s better to refrain from using gadgets for up to four years.

Gadgets, like alcohol, can be highly addictive. Like so much more in this life, the time spent with electronic devices must be regulated.

Half an hour before bed, all, including adults, all mobile devices are put off. You can even arrange a special place for spending the night gadgets, for example, a basket.

Gadgets should not be taken to the dining table under any circumstances. They should not be left in the children's room at night.

The child must spend strictly agreed time with electronic devices. For these cases, you can even start a timer.

It is forbidden to give a child a phone or tablet to calm down. He must learn to control emotions on his own.

Sometimes it’s good for the whole family to go on a cyber diet. One to two days a week is declared free from computers, tablets and TVs.

Previously, OXO wrote how to mask wires and sockets from children.
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