Disclaimer not for fitness bracelets: do I need to use gadgets when tracking sleep?

Disclaimer not for fitness bracelets: do I need to use gadgets when tracking sleep?

23 January 2020, 12:40
A source: © popmech.ru
Fitness bracelets record the number of kilometers traveled, calories burned and heart rate. Also, many models offer to monitor the quality of sleep. Experts believe that trusting this data unconditionally is not worth it.

Gadgets are not able to analyze the quality of sleep in detail. To do this, you need to contact the laboratory, where through research a detailed report on the characteristics of interest will be obtained, reports Popular Mechanics.

Fitness bracelet focuses on hand movements and heart rate during sleep. And although these indicators can give a completely intelligible picture, the gadget sometimes just does not understand whether its owner is sleeping or not.

To have a more or less objective picture, experts advise recording data for several weeks, and preferably months. Based on them, you can understand whether the process of falling asleep and awakening is easy. A fitness bracelet can help track the presence or absence of lack of sleep.

Earlier, the OXO reported that the European Commission has prepared a bill that prohibits the use of the face recognition function in public places. They plan to introduce a ban on its use for the next five years.
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