Psychologist in Davos voiced the best and worst advice in raising a child

Psychologist in Davos voiced the best and worst advice in raising a child

23 January 2020, 15:41
A source: ©
Parenting is the subject of study by the psychologist, writer and professor Adam Grant. He gave two important tips regarding this.

Grant gave two tips — the best and the worst, which parents should adhere to when raising children. He told the organizers of the World Economic Forum in Davos at a session on combating disinformation on the Internet.

Grant believes that the worst advice parents can give is that when children do something wrong, they need to be punished. As for the best advice, it was as follows: you need to show the children that they matter and that other people rely on them.

The psychologist and teacher is sure that the modern child should become mentally strong, purposeful and hardy. And this is largely due to the education of his parents.

A curious incident has recently occurred. The military commissariat of the city of Kiev sent a summons to a 12-year-old boy. She was transferred to his mother.
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