Apple's Safari Browser Vulnerable — Google Experts

Apple's Safari Browser Vulnerable — Google Experts

26 January 2020, 14:19
A source: ©
Google experts have discovered a vulnerability in the Safari browser from Apple. The problem was found in the program code of the system for selective blocking of cross-site tracking of user habits.

Google specialists were able to find several vulnerabilities in a browser that can be installed on Apple computers, tablets and smartphones. At the moment, they have already been eliminated and the company is preparing a detailed report on the problems, writes Financial Times.

According to experts from Google, attackers could take advantage of the vulnerability in the program code of the system for selective blocking of cross-site tracking of user habits (ITP). It appeared in connection with the features of the data storage mechanism on user devices.

This feature was added in 2017 to protect users' personal data. After that, similar tools appeared in other browsers, including Google Chrome.

Previously reported on functions fitness bracelets. Experts believe that it is not worth unconditionally trusting their data regarding sleep analysis.
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