Boeing has completed tests of its new aircraft

Boeing has completed tests of its new aircraft

26 January 2020, 19:45
A source: ©
The newest Boeing 777X wide-body aircraft first flew into the sky as part of a test flight.

Despite the fact that for several reasons the first flight was delayed several times, the largest and most fuel-efficient twin-engine wide-body passenger aircraft in the world, as the American aerospace concern positions its new product, flew up to the sky. The first flight of the Boeing 777X took place on January 25.

The liner, under the control of branded test pilots, flew from Everett Airport, where the Boeing assembly plant is located, and landed at the end of the test program in Seattle. The flight took place in the normal mode and its progress could be watched in broadcast on the official website of the company.

Recall, it was previously planned that the Boeing 777X will fly to the sky in July 2019, but when working on the new product, there were problems with the engines. The first flight was eventually postponed to the beginning of 2020 and successfully completed. Now the liner is waiting for the end of all test procedures and certification for commercial operation.

Currently, Boeing is in crisis due to the difficult situation around the 737 MAX model and the forced suspension of its production.
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