Wasps can recognize each other — entomologists

Wasps can recognize each other — entomologists

29 January 2020, 13:03
A source: © sciencealert.com
Insects are amazing creatures. Scientists from Cornell University have found that paper wasps can recognize each other in the face. They believe that insects have developed this skill over the past thousand years.

The skill of recognizing individual insects of their species in northern paper wasps appeared quite quickly. In just a thousand years, an increase in intelligence has led to their benefits, reports Sciencealer.

Cornell University entomologists wanted to know how the complex functions of insects develop. What is the mechanism and pace of cognitive evolution. As a result, they found that the most intensively developing function of northern paper wasps was to improve relations with each other.

According to scientists, this is a natural evolutionary process that has not been affected by climate change or other factors. The new study was based on the findings of scientists who discovered 18 years ago that paper wasps are able to recognize other individuals of their species using their organs of vision.

Prior to this, virologists managed to create a online map spread of coronovirus. On cartenses all confirmed cases of the disease are recorded.
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