In modern society, there is no room for physical punishment of children — Minister of Wales

In modern society, there is no room for physical punishment of children — Minister of Wales

30 January 2020, 11:36
A source: ©
Punishment of children in Wales will be prohibited by law. Parliament of this administrative-political part of the UK adopted the relevant law.

Despite a conservative party that does not accept intrusion into the privacy of families, the Wales Parliament passed a law prohibiting spanking of children. It is assumed that it will come into force after the completion of the information company, in 2022, informs The Guardian.

According to the statement of the first Minister of Wales, Mark Drakeford, times have changed, and in modern society there is no place for physical punishment of children.

Officials believe the new law will stop fathers and mothers who use physical violence as punishment. In turn, opponents of the normative act noted that it criminalizes loving parents.

This ban is not planned to be introduced in Northern Ireland or England.

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