They shouted together — a witch! Due to a rare pathology, Indian women are credited with witchcraft abilities (Photo)

They shouted together — a witch! Due to a rare pathology, Indian women are credited with witchcraft abilities (Photo)

31 January 2020, 14:42
A source: ©
The pathology of the arms and legs became the reason that a resident of India was considered a witch. 63-year-old Kumari Nayak was in the Guinness Book of Records for the largest number of fingers.

The woman has 31 fingers, 12 on her arms and 19 on her legs. This pathology is called polydactylism. It is found in both animals and humans. This is a genetic disease, reports Metro

For most of his life, Nyak did not go out into the streets of the town where he lives, because the locals call her a witch. Avoid and scoff.

“I was born with this defect in a poor family. We did not have the money to go to the doctors. People in the village consider me damned and don’t communicate with me,” the woman says.

One of the neighbors says she knows about Kumari’s health status, but locals prefer to believe in her witchcraft abilities. When local authorities learned about the woman’s illness, they offered her a house and a disability pension.

Recently it was reported that the Parliament of Uєls passed the law prohibiting spanking of children. It is assumed that it will come into force after the completion of the information company, in 2022.

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