Home Gym: 3 Top Tips

Home Gym: 3 Top Tips

3 February 2021, 19:23
A source: © proekt-sam.ru
The gym is a place that is visited outside the home. But, if there is no such possibility, then you have to somehow get out of the situation. The expert advises to pay attention to the following tips.

Interior designers believe that proper placement of sports equipment will help create a fairly functional space. But here you need to be guided by their advice.

The choice of premises for the gym is the first thing, with the planning of the future sports zone begins. It is advisable to choose a spacious room with autonomous power supply. Better to rebuild a garage for a gym or gym.

Having dealt with the room itself, then proceed to the arrangement. It should be safe, comfortable and as spacious as possible.

The first characteristic is electricity, water supply and ventilation. These are key parameters that need to be thought out in advance. The convenience of a sports or gym should be manifested in the location of entrances and exits, placement of equipment and exercise equipment. And do not forget about the spaciousness - you will not litter the orbitrecks with old skis.

Having finished with the premises and arrangement, they proceed to the filling of the hall. Exercise machines should be chosen taking into account the fitness of different muscle groups. Moreover, they should also be arranged in a certain order. This is where the inventory for both strength and cardio loads should be concentrated.

Related items such as towel racks, cooler rack and urns should also be considered.

A well-designed home gym helps you get the most out of your workouts.

Previously, OXO wrote about expert advice on the choice of curtains.
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