Fantasy and living - toys in photographs of an artist from New York

Fantasy and living - toys in photographs of an artist from New York

22 June 2021, 23:17
A source: ©
New York-based photographer Jared Middleton creates staged photos using plastic movie figurines. The finished pictures are incredibly realistic.

The procedure for creating a photo consists of several stages. In addition to traditional training, Jared Middleton has to prepare toy characters from movies, as well as additional paraphernalia that play the role of special effects.

The photographer's favorite figurines are characters from Star Wars, Wonder Woman, The Adventures of Indiana Jones, Batman. Miniature collectible toys do not just stand motionless, but perform some actions.

In the photographs of the American, real battles are being played out. Fires are raging, planets are shaken by earthquakes, torrential rains are pouring. Sometimes it is not easy to create all these cataclysms - you have to prepare for hours, and sometimes for several days. However, this only overwhelms the guy, because compositional difficulties do not frighten him.

For some "episodes" I had to use deodorant and a lighter, for the second - a fire extinguisher, for the third - artificial snow.

In addition, Jared Middleton resorts to the use of special equipment - lighting devices, photo cubes, gas soldering irons, levels. Puddles, mud, snow and wind are auxiliary tools.

After the photos are published, it feels like a whole team of filmmakers worked on the photos.

Professional equipment for shooting, as well as related work, can be purchased on the OXO website in the section "Equipment".

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