Hypersonic missile test successful - Pentagon

Hypersonic missile test successful - Pentagon

29 September 2021, 23:16
A source: © aif.ru
Raytheon has successfully tested its supersonic missile. These are the first successful tests of such a device since 2013.

A feature of the rocket was the speed of movement, which exceeds the speed of sound five times. As fuel for the engine, the designers used a mixture of carbon fuel and air. This information was provided by experts from the Pentagon.

The main purpose of the test was to conduct launch, safe undocking and flight procedures. With regard to landing or reaching the goal, the designers did not set specific tasks for the device. The main thing is that the test flight is safe.

It is noted that the rocket was launched from an aircraft. It is very convenient from the point of view of transportation mobility. So, the launch can be made from almost anywhere in the world. And, it is assumed, if the tests are successful, then with some modifications the rocket can be used in space.

Earlier it was reported that a similar device exploded during testing. However, the launch cannot be called unsuccessful, since the designers were able to draw their own conclusions.

The creation of new aircraft continues. And American scientists, among others, hold a confident leadership in this matter. Sometimes they compromise their Chinese counterparts.

As for the tests with people, then the appropriate equipment is needed here. As well as for other "sorties" - to the mountains, forest, river. You can buy it on the OXO website in the section Tactical equipment.
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