The first edition of the Harry Potter book sold at auction for almost $ 500,000

The first edition of the Harry Potter book sold at auction for almost $ 500,000

13 December 2021, 12:00
A source: ©
The book about the wizard-boy Harry Potter again attracted the attention of hunters for rare second-hand books. Another book was sold at an auction in America for $ 471,000.

The work by British artist J.K. Rowling was written over 20 years ago. This is the first part that tells about the search for the philosopher's stone by a little wizard. In total, there are about 500 such books in the world.

The book is decorated with a colorful cover, which depicts the main character. The inscription of the debut edition speaks not of a philosophical, but of a magic stone. After all, it was under this name that the first books of the British writer were published in the USA.

Previously, it was the property of a collector who did not want to be named. He planned to sell it for at least $ 70,000. However, the final bid turned out to be much higher.

Similar books have already been found at auctions. But their cost did not exceed 138 thousand dollars.

It is noted that this is not only the most expensive book, which tells about the adventures of a little wizard. This is the most commercially profitable work of the 20th century. And we are talking about fiction.

Recall that the above story is one of the seven works about Harry Potter. Eight films were shot based on the books of the British writer. The stories about the little wizard have been translated into 80 languages ​​and have a total circulation of over 500 million.

The OXO site section Literature contains more than 1.1 thousand active lots of the same name.
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