Fingerprint scanner anywhere on the screen: Xiaomi's new development

Fingerprint scanner anywhere on the screen: Xiaomi's new development

22 January 2022, 19:00
A source: ©
Fingerprint scanners are in high demand today. But they have a significant disadvantage: most often the device is “tied” to one specific place on the body or screen of the gadget. Xiaomi has come up with a solution to this problem.

She received a patent, thanks to which she will begin developing a smartphone that can be unlocked by pressing a finger anywhere on the screen. In regular phones, the software is set up so that the sensor on the back of the product must be activated to unlock it.

A series of unlock attempts often annoys users. The innovative technology from Xiaomi aims to easily unlock the screen with just one touch. And it's not just about everyday comfort. This feature can be extremely useful in emergency situations where every second counts.

The development is equipped with two matrices. Inside them are light receivers and light sensors. The light receiving equipment is fixed above the LED type transmitters.
If a person places a finger on a capacitive sensor, then the matrix immediately feels the touch. In addition, it recognizes the shape of a finger and its print. After that, the LEDs transmit light to a specific part of the display. Reflected from the surface, infrared light reaches the receivers. Based on this information, the contour of the finger is later analyzed to confirm the identity of the owner of the phone.

The company has not yet announced the exact release date of the device to the masses. According to preliminary forecasts, the implementation of the technology may take more than a year.

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