Masterpieces from aluminum cans: an unusual American hobby

Masterpieces from aluminum cans: an unusual American hobby

12 April 2022, 17:00
A source: ©
The American artist Noah Deledda is engaged in the original art form. In the hands of a native of Michigan, drink cans turn into real works of art. The master creates multi-faceted sculptures from aluminum cans using a technology that he developed independently.

The main tools that the craftsman uses to make art objects are sandpaper and a polishing machine. With the help of this device, the artist removes the remnants of glue from the labels and evens out the dents on the cans. The formation of the pattern is carried out by Noah with the help of his fingers. As the creator himself says, this process of the day is of great importance to him. Deledda came up with an unusual way of creating a pattern on his own and adheres to it in all cases without exception. With the thumb of the right hand, the artist extrudes a certain relief, which combines into various structures. As a result, the master receives exquisite sculptures from disposable containers.

Deledda's creations have been exhibited at exhibitions in major cities around the world (Canada, Italy, Switzerland, China, etc.). You can buy spectacular sculptures of the master on his personal website. Noah has no shortage of clients. His works are an excellent solution for interior decoration.

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