Xiaomi wypuści w pełni przezroczysty telewizor (wideo)

Xiaomi wypuści w pełni przezroczysty telewizor (wideo)

20 sierpnia 2020, 14:20
Źródło: © blog.mi.com
The Chinese corporation Xiaomi held a presentation of its next novelty. This is the first commercial fully transparent TV. The device has no external frames, so it feels like it is floating in the air.

The TV display is equipped with special contrast ratios that provide high color saturation and brightness. The screen is capable of displaying color combinations that are beyond the perception of the human eye, according to the corporation's blog.

The technology is responsible for the sound component, supplemented by artificial intelligence. It determines the appropriate sound mode based on the nature of the picture - action movies, popular science programs, entertainment shows or music videos.

A special operating system has been developed for the TV. It is supplemented by a special interface and the function of displaying the necessary graphics or text on the screen. This allows the device to sync with smartphones, tablets or computers.

According to the developers, sales of the transparent novelty will begin in China from the end of August 2020.

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