Projektanci opracowali kolekcję ubrań dla osób z zespołem Downa

Projektanci opracowali kolekcję ubrań dla osób z zespołem Downa

13 kwietnia 2022, 11:12
Źródło: ©
A line of clothes for "sunny" people was presented to the world by a design school (Britain), the AliExpress company and the Love Syndrome charity organization. The main feature of the brand is an individual approach to each client, taking into account his mentality and body proportions.

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The presentation of the brand took place at the end of March. Designers have been working on the collection for a whole year. The creation of each item from the line took place with the participation of people with down syndrome. Among them were children from 10 years old, who acted not only as assistants to designers, but also became models.

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The organizers of the initiative have developed a special size grid that takes into account the features of the figure of people with Down syndrome. So, for example, the neck in the brand's product has an expanded shape, spacious pockets and a simple fastener. According to the brand's designers, the next line will be complemented by a jacket and a blouse.

You can buy clothes on our website in this section.

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