Лілі Роуз-Депп знялася в рекламі нової помади від Chanel

Лілі Роуз-Депп знялася в рекламі нової помади від Chanel

1 квітня 2021, 17:53
Джерело: © vogue.ua
The French company Chanel presented a moisturizing lipstick with a volume effect. Model and show diva Lily-Rose Depp starred in the advertising campaign.

The line is presented in 20 shades - from pale pink to deep purple. The cosmetic provides durability, intense shine and color.

The high concentration of pigments allows quick adhesion to the lip surface. And the film-forming component gives the proper color and shine. The effect of volume is achieved with oils. The composition of the cosmetic product includes vegetable wax - mimosa, sunflower and jojoba.

The video has a rather unpretentious plot, but not without a twist. The American model visits the company's laboratory and begins mixing pigments and base while trying to create a new lipstick. The girl manages to combine all the ingredients for a cosmetic product that shimmers with a wet shine.

As noted in Chanel, the lipstick is applied in one stroke and stays on the lips for 8 hours. This is how long the lips should shine without tint.

It is believed that make-up removal can be carried out using a tonic for waterproof cosmetics. If desired, the composition washes off the painted lips and a new color is applied.

As a complement, nude shadows, blush of light pink shades, black mascara are used. Stylists do not recommend overly highlighting the eyebrows. It is enough to comb them with a brush and apply a brown pencil with light movements.

The presentation of the novelty took place in mid-March. A series of lipsticks will go on sale in April in Chanel brand stores or brand partner stores.

Recently it was reported about the face of the new Guerlain advertising campaign, which Natalia Vodianova has become.

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