Rules of bidding at ОХО

These rules of Violity contain the general terms of use of the Violity services for an unspecified circle of users, and regulate issues of bilateral relations between users and with the Violity site, which are not defined directly in the signed contract.
The actual use of the services of the Violity site in any part or any actions with the aim of using them is the express and undeniable evidence of the fact of prior reading, understanding, full acceptance and agreement of these rules in general, regardless of the fact whether they are physically signed or not by the user.

Administration of Violity reserves the right to approve a new edition, make changes / additions to these Violity Rules at any time without prior consent of the users, with their further impact on the bilateral relations between users and with the Violity site.


Site – a number of data in the form of electronic (digital) information, especially objects of copyright and/or related rights, etc., interconnected and structured within in the framework of the domain and all its subdomains, which are accessed through an address on the Internet and includes web pages as components.
Based on the contract dated by February 22, 2022, the site was transferred to VIOLITY UKRAINE PLC.
The site functions in the strict compatibility with the legislation of Ukraine and performs exclusively the technical functions of an "information platform" without obtaining any rights to the information or property of the users of the site, and is not functioning as an auction. The activity of the domain consists in providing a site on the Internet for the general public of users of the domain to post information about various items, public offers of users as potential sellers to alienate and bids of users as potential buyers to acquire such items under competitive conditions, about market value for the mentioned items, their physical and technical condition, as well as to discuss the properties and values of these items, etc. in the community of the Site.
Algorithms of the domain of the Violity software and hardware complex do not collect reliable information about users and their posting of advertisements (lots, comments, topics, messages, etc.). The Administration of the Site knows only the general information posted by the users themselves. Verification of the actuality of transactions between users, their nature, price and consequences, facts of receipt of funds on accounts or facts of transfer-receipt of items, their quality, provenance, legality of ownership of items, reliability of information provided by users, logistics, storage, appraisal, evaluation, provision certificates of authenticity, provision of any documents confirming the fact of sale or purchase, consultations on the import or export of things, etc. the Site and persons connected with the Site do not provide. The activity of the Site and persons connected with the Site is not an activity of selling works of art and antiques, an activity of organizing trades (auctions, galleries, salons, shops, etc.) of works of art, collectibles or antiques, other things. Persons associated with the Site are not participants in the transactions concluded between the users of the Site, do not act on their behalf.

User profile – a set of data available for review with utilizing of the functionality of the Violity software and hardware complex and containing information about the User (date and country of registration, user reviews, his (her) Violity business ratings of the Seller and the Buyer, other information regarding the User within the scope of his (her) activity at Violity (including active lots) but excluding personal data.

Electronic bidding (hereinafter referred to as bidding) is a method of concluding an agreement between the Seller and the Buyer, who has offered the highest price on the competitive basis utilizing the Violity software and hardware complex on the terms and in the manner established by these Rules. The bidding process is a regulated procedure, which includes the executing of the functions of placing, analyzing, processing and presentation of information regarding the Participants and the subject of bidding. The term "bidding", which is used in these Rules, is not identical to the term (and cannot be understood as terms) "bidding" or "auction", in the meaning of the bidding and/or auction defined by the acting Legislation, as well as the rules and regulations associated with them and the legal consequences.

The Violity software and hardware complex is a combination of hardware and software designed to process (including automatically) the data provided by the Site Users and provide them with the information required for bidding or closing the deals on lots with a fixed price.

Lot – an item or items served as a subject of bidding or closing the deals with a fixed price by the Users. Essential data (name, quantitative and qualitative characteristics, cost, payment and delivery methods) about it are presented by the Seller on the related page of the site.

The Violity Rules are fully applicable to all lots listed on Violity, including Lots with a Fixed Price.

Seller – a User who, in accordance with the requirements of the Violity Rules, puts up for sale a Lot, thus forming an offer for an unlimited number of Users.

Buyer – a User who accepts the Seller's offer that derived from the placing of the highest price offer by user with the help of the Violity hardware and software complex is determined as the winner of the trade in relation to the Seller's offer, and as a result of the proper fulfillment of the conditions provided for by the Violity Rules - is the acquirer of the corresponding Lot.

Violity User’s Wallet is a balance of funds on the User’s Violity virtual account that can be used (debited) exclusively to pay for the site’s services. Via Violity virtual account, you cannot pay for the purchased item, its delivery, packaging, etc.

The start date for the provision of services is calculated from the moment of the first debit from the virtual account of Violity User.

I. Requirements for sellers

1. It is prohibited to present multi lots for bidding\sale (more than one item in a lot with separate prices).
If the lot has variations in external characteristics (in size, color, etc.), then the name and description of the lot must indicate the number of units of the product put up for bidding/sale. It is recommended not to make rash bids until all the details in the lot have been clarified.

2. The name of the lot should not contain excess information, as well as:
- should not be pejorative, vague or contain slang;
- should not be written in capital letters (CAPITAL) letters;
- should not contain information with elements of advertising ((the use of the terms “from 1 hryvnia”, “without reserve”, “super price”, “stock”, “inexpensive”, e.t.c.);
- should not contain exclamation/question marks, punctuation and symbols ^#@><.
Images of the lot must be original, as high quality and informative.

3. It is forbidden:
- to withdraw the lot from the bidding prior to the date and time of expiration of the lot;
- to change the price of the lot after the first bid was placed;
- to make changes to the date/time of the end of the bidding for the lot in after the first bid was placed.

The seller can make changes to the date/time of the end of the bidding only for the lot with no bid placed yet and if more than 24 hours left before the lot will expire. At the same time, changes after the date set when the lot was created are not allowed.

4. It is strictly prohibited to give unreliable information about the lot, to conceal the defects of the lot from the buyer.
The word "Copy" or "Replica" in the lot name either in the description is required.

5. Lots that are created with a starting price that is five times or more higher than the real market price will be closed.
After twelve hours since the lot placement it is forbidden for the Seller to increase the price of the lot more than twice from the last price set by him.

6. In the column "Location" it is obligatory to indicate the locality and (or) the region (administrative unit) of the location (stay) of the Seller or the lot.

7. Requirements for information reflected in the columns "Payment" and "Delivery":

7.1. In the "Payment" column, the Seller has the right to indicate all methods of payment for the lot that are acceptable for him (not contradicting the provisions of clauses VI.7 of the Rules), while the priority among proposed by the Seller is the method chosen by the Buyer. In the event of a dispute between the Parties, the final decision on the method of payment will be approved by the representative of the Administration.
The term "payment to the card" in the column "Payment" by a verified Seller who is entitled to prepayment in accordance with these Rules means full payment in advance to the Seller's card in the amount of the lot cost itself and delivery cost, if payment for delivery is provided in the "Delivery" column.
It is forbidden to include additional payments in the "Payment" column, incl. ATM service fee.

7.2. In the column "Delivery" the Seller have to specify all the methods of delivery of the lot offered by him, indicating the Party paying for the delivery. The use of delivery methods not to specified by the Seller in this column is the right, but not the obligation of the Seller.
If the Party paying for the delivery is not specified, the delivery is at the expense of the Buyer is for default.
The seller has the right to indicate in this column a personal meeting, while it is mandatory to indicate the locality where this meeting is possible.
When specifying several methods of delivery of the lot, the choice of the Buyer is considered a priority.

8. It is forbidden to refuse to sell and dispatch the lot at the end of the active bidding session (after the closing of a deal for a lot with a fixed price).

9. It is forbidden to "spin off" lots with clone profiles, or in the complicity with other users of the resource.

10. The Seller's is obliged to contact within 72 hours (3 days) via chat in his(her) profile in Violity "My Cabinet" or by a phone number (for the cases when a Buyer made a purchase of a lot with a fixed price without log in to Violity), in order to provide payment details and to complete the transaction with the buyer.

11. The Seller is obliged to dispatch the lot by the delivery service selected by the Buyer from the list presented by the Seller in the "Delivery" column of the lot description, with the mandatory indication that inspection of the lot is allowed:
- In case of full payment for the lot - within 3 business days, following by the day of receipt of the Buyer's postal details after the lot was paid in full;
- In case of COD (cash on delivery) or deferred payment - within 3 business days, following the day of receipt of the Buyer's mail requisites.
The Seller must confirm to the Buyer the fact of dispatch by a message through a chat with a photo (scanner) of the postal receipt (declaration) or with the number of the identifier (declaration).

It is not recommended to dispatch a lot with a declared underestimated value due to the fact that for the transportation risks and related to them loss or damage of the lot are incurred liability by the Seller of the lot, unless such risks are accepted by the Buyer by a written request to underestimate the value of the lot.

12. The Buyer or the Seller are not permitted to void the transaction without the invitation of the representative of the Administration to the negotiation chat and his subsequent decision to cancel the deal.
In case of non-purchase of the lot within the time period set by the Rules, the mandatory conditions for its subsequent placement over for sale are:
1. Invitation a representative of the Administration into the negotiation chat of that lot.
2. Decision of the representative of the Administration on the cancel of the deal.
3. Indication in the lot description that the lot was re submitted due to non-purchase (for any reason), or notification the representative of the Administration, who was in charge of the case about placement the lot over again for active bidding.
4. Leave a negative evaluation in the business rating of the buyer who did not pay for the lot.
The placement of lot over again is allowed exceptionally after the decision of the representative of the Administration to cancel the deal.

In case of cancellation of the transaction due to the Seller’s fraudulent or non-fraudulent misinterpretation of the nature and properties of his lot and breach of obligations regarding payment or delivery based on Violity rules or mutual agreements, the payment for all Violity services on the cancelled transaction (placement, establishment of the reserve price, choice of the exact time of the end, bidding support, advertising) is not returned to the Seller.
In case of cancellation of the transaction due to the Buyer's breach of obligations on which the buyer agrees by placing a bid, the fee for all Violity services on the cancelled transaction (placement, establishment of the reserve price, choice of the exact time of the end, bidding support, advertising) is debited from the virtual account of the Buyer after the Administration makes a decision to cancel the transaction.

13. Lot images and descriptions requirements:
13.1 In the column "Material" the Seller is obliged to provide complete and true information about the material(s) from which the item presented for sale was made of. In this column it is forbidden to write "by photo", "appropriate", according to "GOST", etc.
13.2. Condition “As per photo” can be specified only with at least ten informative photos showing the real state of the object from all sides. For all other items, the description of all defects, flaws, chips and cracks is mandatory; for watches and techniques the statement of serviceability is mandatory.
13.3. Photos (scans) of the lot should be as high-quality, informative, clear for viewing all the details of the lot. Drawings, "foggy", small and other unsuitable images are not allowed for exhibiting lots.
13.4. For comprehensive and detailed presentation of the lot a seller must provide the required number of images, preferably not less than 10 (ten) in one lot.. In the discussion of the lot you can add an unlimited number of photos (scans). In the course of the bidding\sale of lots with a fixed price it is mandatory to present the required additional photos and explanations in the comments to the lot as per request of the User(s) and\or the Administration.
13.5. When photographing (scanning) small objects to determine the scale, it is necessary to use as a background a sheet in a 5x5 mm cage, graph paper or to place a ruler with a scale next to the object.
13.6. It is forbidden to use bright, motley background. It is allowed to use only a singleton background of light or dark shade.
13.7. Lots with photographs of items (accessories, clothing, etc.) located on parts of the body (fingers, palms, hands, body, etc.) are acceptable for lots present for sale at the OXO site.
13.8. It’s not allowed to use image editing software ("Photoshop", etc.) in order to conceal the defects of the lot. You can edit images only for visual correspondence to the original.
13.9. It is forbidden to use photographs taken from other sellers, on other resources, as well as photographs of similar items. Only images of the item offered by this seller for sale are allowed.
For users who have activated the My Store service at the OXO online site, having their own officially registered online store selling consumer goods, it is allowed to: - placement of staged photographs of items for sale. - placement of lots that have watermarks in the photographs, including the address of the source web resource (online store).
13.10. A person who posts (uploads to the site) images and/or information about objects, including their origin, value, other characteristics, etc., gives irrevocable consent to use, distribution, reproduction, use for public needs and notification, public demonstration and display, publication, translation, processing, adaptation, retouching, correction, arrangement and other changes, inclusion in compilations, magazines, catalogs, collections, anthologies, encyclopedias, newspapers, other publications, websites, web- portals, social networks, messengers, exhibitions, fairs, trades, auctions, shows, etc., distribution, alienation, presentation to the general public, provision of access, import of copies and other actions with such images and/or information in scientific, statistical, marketing, advertising and other purposes.
From the moment any information is posted (uploaded to the site), such information is considered publicly available (public) to third parties - Internet users, and its confidentiality is not ensured.

14. If there is a negative balance in the ОХО Violity virtual account, the User is obligated to replenish it within 3 business days to pay off the debt and ensure a positive balance. User profiles that have not paid off the debts within 7 business days from the date of its occurrence will be deactivated.
User profiles that are indebted to the resource for their other accounts (clones) will be deactivated until the debt is paid off.

15. Published by Seller sale offer (description) of the lot, photos and comments should not contain:
- dash, dot, as well as other punctuation marks and symbols indicated to the detriment of textual information;
- incorrect information;
- contact information of the Seller or third parties (names and surnames, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, links to social web pages and websites);
- advertisement information and links to pages of other Users or third parties that contain information of an advertising nature;
- information leads to possibility to purchase the lot beyond Violity cluster of websites;
- information is not related to current lot;
- a large number of grammatical and spelling mistakes that make the text of the bidding\sales conditions hard to read and/or to understand by other Users;
- defamation, insults, abusive language e.t.c.;
- text with pornographic or inciting to racism, sexual violence, xenophobia, and conflicts between peoples content;
- Information infringing the rights of the Parties to the transaction and violating these Rules.

16. The users who activated the My Store service at the OXO online site, who have their own officially registered online store selling consumer goods, mean users with automatic unloading of lots for site (auto import). In the description of the lots of such stores there is a note:
* This store is an officially registered store with auto import of lots. Dear customers, before making a bid, please check the availability of goods, completeness, quantity of goods in the lot, etc. The quantity of goods indicated in the lot may differ from that indicated in the photo, as well as in the description of the lot and depends on the minimum allowable for a single sale (by the piece, a set of several pieces, packs, meters, etc.) by this store.

II. Requirements to buyers

1. It is forbidden to withdraw the bid or refuse to pay for the purchased lot, if there are no defects, flaws, chips, etc. in it, not specified in the description, or clearly and unambiguously not visually identifiable on the photos added to the lot and in the comments to this lot, at the time when the buyer placed the bid.
The buyer is advised to make only deliberate bets, taking into account the available photos of the item in the lot and comments to the lot , and make an informed, responsible decision to place a bid (make decision to buy). In order to make a decision, the buyer has the right to demand from the seller additional photos and explanations to the lot, especially if the state "as per photo" is indicated. The seller is obliged to provide information on the lot in full within the framework of the request. This paragraph has no advantage over paragraph IV.4 of these Rules.
Claims on the composition of complex (group) lots, consisting of several items sold for a single price, if the photos and quantitative descriptions of the composition are presented, are not considered by the Administration.

2. The buyer has 72 hours (3 business days) to make payment upon receiving the billing details from the seller, or (subject to deferred payment or COD (cash on delivery)) from the moment of admission of the parcel containing the lot to the post office of the buyer.
Payment confirmation is mandatory (photo or scan of the transaction receipt). In the case of deferred payment or COD (cash on delivery), the Buyer must present to the Seller the destination address of the lot via chat in "My cabinet" within 72 hours (3 business days) from the end time of the bidding for the lot\.clicking "Buy" for lots with a fixed price

The liability to pay for the lot emerges from the moment of a winning bid (or clicked "Buy" for lots with a fixed price), made by the Buyer, and considered as over at the moment of confirmed full payment or at the moment of cancellation of the deal by decision of the Administration.

3. It is forbidden:
- to force the Seller to use other methods of delivery of the lot, including a personal meeting, other than those specified by the Seller in the terms of bidding/sale or agreed by him in the comments;
- to impose on the Seller the cost of delivery of the lot, if such is noted in the "Delivery" column
- to impose on the Seller a method of payment for a lot not indicated by him in the "Payment" column , except for the conditions specified in cl. VI. 7 of these Rules.

4. After agreement of physical transfer and acceptance of the purchased of the Lot at a personal meeting of the Seller and the Buyer (their agents) in case the parties do not reach agreement on something else, the Buyer is must to choose the most acceptable location and time of meeting for him from the ones proposed by the Seller within the limits of the settlement indicated in the column "Delivery " as a location for personal meeting. The Seller is obliged to offer the Buyer at least 3 publicly available locations for meeting options within the time range from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm, for the Buyer to choose. The proposed date of the personal meeting should not exceed 7 calendar days from the end of the bidding (closing of a deal on a lot with a fixed price).

If the Buyer does not agree to the location and meeting time proposed by the Seller within 72 hours from the end of the bidding (closing of a deal on a lot with a fixed price) or force upon the Seller to accept the location proposed by the Buyer – the agreement will be terminated due to the Buyer's fault.

If the Seller is not able to make 3 offers for the locations and time of the meeting within the locality specified in the "Delivery" column for the Buyer to choose – the agreement will be terminated due to the Seller's fault.

By mutual agreement of the parties, the place and time of the personal meeting between the Seller and the Buyer can be determined by moderator of Violity. In case of rejecting by one party (the Seller or the Buyer) location or time of the meeting determined by moderator of Violity – the agreement will be terminated due to the fault of the relevant party.

5. The risk of loss or damage to the lot during the shipment and delivery process (FCA as per incoterms) lies with the Seller. The moment of risk transfer to the Buyer (as well as the ownership of the lot) is considered to be the moment the Buyer accepted the lot from the carrier or the Seller (in person).
In the case of sending a deferred payment item, it is forbidden to require the Seller to indicate the declared value of the package much lower than the winning bid.
In the case of sending a lot paid in advance with an underestimated declared value as per written request of the Buyer, the Buyer bears all risks of loss or damage.

6. It is mandatory for the Buyer to submit the Consignee's details for shipping the Lot within 10 calendar days following the day the Lot was paid in full.

If the Buyer does not submit the correct details of the Consignee, the Seller has the right to invite a representative of the Administration to the Lot chat, the latter will determine the final date for the Buyer to submit the details of the Consignee.

Starting the next day following the expiration date set by the Moderator for the Buyer to submit the Consignee's details, the Seller has the right to demand from the Buyer a fee for storing the Lot, which is 4% per day of the amount actually received from the Buyer as payment for the Lot. The fee is accrued for 25 calendar days and is due to the Seller on the 26st calendar day from the date the Buyer submit the Consignee's details. The latter date set or confirmed by the representative of the Administration. If the correct details of the Consignee are provided by the Buyer in the chat before the storage fee is due (the 26st calendar day from the date set by the representative of the Administration), storage is considered payment free.

III. Reviews, comments, chats on deals

1. For users with a positive balance, the "Leave Review" and "Add Comment" options are available.

2. Comments to the lot is fixed graphic, text and video information. Any agreements or promises of the Seller and the Buyer, fixed in the comments, are an integral part of the transaction by lot. When considering disputes and conflicts, all information in the comments, as well as promises and agreements of the Parties that were available / recorded before the bid was placed by the Buyer, are taken into account.

3. Review is an opinion about a transaction that will be recorded in the Counterparty's profile and is available for review to other Users.

4. There are three types of review: positive, neutral and negative.
A positive review is issued if the Counterparty has fulfilled all its obligations under the transaction, which ended in a good(s) for money exchange.
A neutral review is issued if the Counterparty fulfilled its obligations under the transaction, which ended in a good(s) for money exchange, but the transaction process did not cause you a positive perception. The rating "normal" is indicated what else the Counterparty needs to accomplish to improve the ratings in the future.
A negative review is issued if the counterparty has not fulfilled / not fully fulfilled the obligations under the transaction.

Based on the received reviews the business rating of the User is formed.

5.For the buyer it is mandatory to leave a review no later than 5 calendar days from the receipt of the lot.

For the seller it is mandatory to leave a review:
- in case of full advance payment for the lot - no later than 5 calendar days from the review posted by the Buyer;
- in case of payment of the lot by cash on delivery or deferred payment - no later than 5 calendar days from the latest among the dates: the moment of payment received or review from the Buyer;
- in case of cancellation of the transaction due to the Buyer's fault - no later than 2 calendar days from the date the Administration returns the Violity service fee on the lot.

After 50 calendar days from the date of the winning bid (concluding a deal in relation to a lot with a fixed price) , the ability to leave feedback for the Counterparties is blocked by the Violity software and hardware complex in automatic mode (the function is deactivated).

6.Leaving a review or comment on the lot, the User is responsible for its content.

7. In the comments to the lot:
- it is forbidden to write messages that are not relevant to the terms of the deal, description or images of the lot (strictly forbidden and treated as flooding);
- it is forbidden to criticize and discuss the authenticity of the lot. The discussions should be conducted on the forum in the relevant sections of the definition and evaluation of items. Another option is to contact the representatives of the Administration, indicating the reasons for doubts in the authenticity;
- It is forbidden to express suspicions about the spin off the lots or using clones of Users. In case of such suspicions it is necessary to contact the Security Service of the Violity site or click "Report problem".

8. Feedbacks and comments on the lot, profile image must not contain:
- insults, curses, obscene language, etc.;
- content that is pornographic or inciting to racism, sexual violence, xenophobia, and conflicts between peoples;
- any offers regarding the sale of the item(s) outside the functionality of the Violity cluster of cites;
- personal data of the User or other person (names and surnames, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, links to social pages);
- links to the site;
- advertising messages;
- bidding offers for the lot;
- links to similar active lots of other Sellers (treated as advertising).

9. Review must contain true information about the transaction. It is unacceptable to issue fake reviews to increase the business rating (reviews on the transaction without completing its commodity/money exchange). Such reviews must be deleted.

10. Messages, photos in chat rooms for a transaction cannot contain:
- insults, defamation, curses, obscene language used intentionally;
- text and/or photographs that are pornographic or incite to racism, sexual violence, xenophobia, as well as conflicts between peoples;
- any offers regarding the sale of the item(s) outside the functionality of the Violity cluster of sites;
- negotiations/deals on any transaction(s) or transfer of titles on any items, other than those concluded using the functionality of the Violity site;
- links, banners with the data of the Seller or the Buyer on other resources and/or sites;
- addresses of sites where you can find other items of the Seller;
- messages of an advertising nature;
- links to active lots of other Sellers, including on other resources and/or sites.

11. A negative review may be removed from the record by the Administration as per User request if at least one of the following reasons applies:
- the review wrongfully posted by the User who agree and confirm this;
- negative review contains false information about the actual circumstances of the transaction (delivery, payment, packaging, defects or deficiencies were not confirmed in the course of examining the conflict, etc.);
- negative feedback was left by the Party liable on wrongful through transaction termination;
- a negative review was left for not posting a review on the transaction;
- negative review was left to the Buyer who paid in full for the lot and delivery of the lot;
- negative review was left to the Buyer who received compensation or full reimbursement of the costs incurred in the course of transaction by the Buyer from the Seller;
- negative review was left to the Seller, who paid the Buyer compensation or full reimbursement of the costs incurred in the course of transaction by the Buyer;
- provision by the User of supporting documents about illness, crashes or accidents;
- negative review was left to the Seller in case of damage to the lot during delivery due to the fault of the Carrier or third parties;
- negative review was posted to the Seller in the event of theft of the lot and the Seller has supporting documents about such theft;
- negative review for other reasons that don't proved to be justified for the Administration while considering the conflict.

IV. Penalties

Ban – a type of sanctions imposed by the Administration for the Users who violate the Rules, meaning the User’s profile is blocked for the period determined by these Rules. In the case of a ban, only chat messages on transactions are available to the User, under condition the User must have a positive balance.
All active lots of the banned Seller from the moment of the ban are recognized as voided and canceled, active lots are closed. Commission fees for various types of Violity services for such closed bidding (closed lots) will not be returned to the Seller.
The last bid in active bidding from a banned user (if the ban occurred before the bidding end) is canceled.

Warning – a type of sanction meaning an issue of informational notification to the User about a violation of the Rules or about the need to take any action to prevent (or eliminate the committed) violations of the Rules.

Sanctions for breaching the Rules:

1. For violation of clause I.1. – warning with the closing of an active lot, for repeated – ban from 3 days to unlimited (for repeated violations).

2. For violation of clause І.2. – warning with the closing of an active lot.

3. For violation of clause І.3. – ban from 7 days to 30 days.

4. For violation of clause І.4. in active lots – warning with the closing of an active lot , for repeated violations – ban from 3 days to 10 days.
For violation by the Seller of clause І.4 founded by the Buyer in the received item with supporting evidences provided a reasonable assurance on such defects were hidden by the Seller and indicated that data on the item provided by him were inaccurate – ban from 7 days to unlimited. If the Seller compensates the amount agreed by the Buyer and the Administration, or refunds the money and item on the terms agreed by the Administration, warning will be issued.
If the Parties involved in the transaction do not reach a mutual agreement on the lot return procedure, the Lot is returned by cash on delivery condition, regardless of the Violity business ratings of the Parties, with the Lot sent to the address specified by the Seller. The Buyer selects the carrier from those named in the Lot in the "Delivery" column indicated by the Seller.
The Seller is obliged to refund the amount of expenses actually incurred by the Buyer (the amount paid for the lot, processing fees for transferring funds to the Seller, funds paid by the Buyer for the Lot shipment, the Buyer's documented expenses paid for additional expertise and research of the lot agreed and approved by representatives of the Violity Administration). Payment for cash on delivery services and return delivery of the lot to the Seller is paid by the Seller of the lot at the time of its receipt upon return, unless otherwise provided by the Carrier's rules.

5. For the sale of fakes declared as the original – ban from 10 days to unlimited. If the Seller fully compensates within 48 hours from the moment of providing payment details by the Buyer the costs actually incurred by the Buyer for payment, delivery and examination (if necessary) of the item sold under the guise of the original – warning.

6. For violation of clause І.5. – warning, closing of an active lot .

7. For violation of clause І.6. – warning. For repeated violations – closing of an active lot .

8. For violation of clause І.8. – ban from 3 days to unlimited (for repeated violations).
Refusal to sell a lot in an amount equivalent to $ 5000 or more at the NBU rate at the time of the transaction is an unlimited ban.

9. For violation of clause І.9 – ban from 10 days to unlimited to all participants of "price pushing".
"Price pushing" of a lot in amount equivalent to $ 1,000 or more at the NBU rate at the time of the transaction – unlimited ban.

10. For violation of clause І.10 – warning, for repeated – ban from 3 days to 30 days.

11. For violation of clause І.11 – warning, for repeated – ban from 3 days to unlimited.

12. For violation of clauses І.12, І.15 – warning with the closing of an active lot .

13. For violation of clause І.13 – warning. For repeated violations – closing of an active lot .

14. For violation of clause ІІ.1. – ban of up to 30 days for a withdrawal of a bet, in case of refusal to redeem a lot – ban from 3 days to unlimited (for repeated violations).
Non-redemption of a lot in the amount equivalent to $ 5000 or more at the NBU rate at the time of the transaction – unlimited ban.

In case of cancellation of the transaction due to the Buyer's breach of obligations on which the buyer agrees by placing a bid, the fee for all Violity services on the cancelled transaction (placement, establishment of the reserve price, choice of the exact time of the end, bidding support, advertising) is debited from the virtual account of the Buyer after the Administration makes a decision to cancel the transaction.
In case of refusal to redeem the lot for the first time, a warning is provided that the payment for all Violity services under the transaction is paid off within 24 hours from the date the Administration makes a decision on such terminated transaction.

15. For violation of clause ІІ.2 – warning, for repeated – ban from 3 days to unlimited (for repeated violations).

16. For violation of clause ІІ.3 – warning, for repeated – ban from 3 days to unlimited (for repeated violations).

17. For violation of clause III.7-III.8 – warning, for repeated – ban from 3 days to unlimited (for repeated violations).

18. For violation of clause III.5 – warning, for repeated – ban up to 30 days for repeated violations.

19. For violation of clause III.10 – warning, for repeated – ban from 3 days to unlimited (for repeated violations).
For negotiations/deals on any transaction(s) or transfer of titles on any items, other than those concluded using the functionality of the Violity site – ban from 10 days to unlimited (for repeated violations).

The term of sanctions is set by the Administration for each User individually, based on the number of violations and the amount of losses caused to the second Party of the transaction and/or the Violity site.

V. Moderation

1. Administration has the right:

  • to close lots placed with violations of these Rules;
  • to edit the names of lots and descriptions that contradict these Rules;
  • to transfer the lots to the appropriate sections;
  • to close lots at constant non-target placement;
  • to close lots for discussion on the forum;
  • at the request of the User, the Violity moderator / the specialist invited by Violity can express his opinion about the Lot, which is not an expert's conclusion;
  • close the lot with the right to present it over again only if there is an expert conclusion issued by the accredited institution, in accordance with the legislation of the country where the item is located;
  • disable the "Edit Price" function and return the original starting price for the lot in case of unreasonable price increase by the Seller of the lot;
  • to edit feedbacks and comments that contain incorrect statements and personal information;
  • to establish additional conditions for partial prepayment and / or delivery of the lot, if the Administration estimate the increase the risks of improper completion of the transaction for the Buyer or Seller;
  • to delete and edit the comments specified in clauses III.7 -III.8 of these Rules that have a negative impact on the course of trading and the final sale price, containing defamation of the seller;
  • to delete reviews in accordance with clause III.11 of the Rules, as well as to delete or edit reviews that violate clause III.8 of the Rules;
  • to block the User profile fort violation of the Rules;
  • to change the duration of penalties;
  • to request from the users a documentary confirmation of completion of the transaction;
  • refuse to approve complete verification of the User, or User's billing information and/or mail data;
  • cancel the User’s verification (including verification of the billing information and/or mailing data of the User), in case of suspicious activity by the verified User (the person using the verified User’s account), or in case of violation of rules of payment and delivery of the lots. From the moment of cancellation of verification, such User loses the status of the Verified User for all transactions;
  • to notify the user to the emails specified by him during registration / change / verification, phone numbers about his actions during the bidding process, about the facts of his purchases and / or sales, about his violations, as well as send others notifications and mailings from the Violity site Administration. Violity and the Administration of the Violity site in particular are not responsible for the settings of the mail services of users and does not guarantee receipt of notifications using services provided by third-parties (e-mails, phone numbers, etc.);
  • to warn Buyers about risks related to lots and Seller's actions, in case the Seller engages in suspicious activities or if there is information about lots being put up for bidding/sale that exhibit signs of forgery or other violations of the Rules;
  • to deactivate the User's profile and terminate further business relations with it upon the decision of the Administration.

2. The Administration doesn't have legal or moral obligation to provide or present to User any evidence explaining or indicating on any violations of p.p. I.9, III.7, III.8, III.10 of the Violity Rules and p.1.1 of the Rules of conduct on the resource, as a result of which the user was denied access to the site and (or) to the forum temporarily or permanently.

3. Following the recommendations of the Administration is mandatory. The decisive power remains for the Administration. Failure to comply with the decisions and instructions of the Administration - ban from 30 days to perpetual.

VI. General requirements for Users

1.Users - individuals registered on any of the Violity websites who have reached the age of 18 years, not limited in legal capacity. Individuals registered on the Violity websites may be authorized agents of business entities and act on behalf and in the interests of its principals (business entities stated above) within the scope of their authorities granted by principal. The scope of authorities granted for agent is subject of confirmation by the principal.
It is forbidden for one person to create several user accounts / profiles (cloning), as well as use the data of another user (including by mutual agreement,). In case of violation - an unlimited ban to clone profiles (registered later), as well as to all profiles that use the data of another User.
The user independently ensures the confidentiality of the password and is fully liable for all actions related to the use of his account / profile, and for the purpose of ensuring security, he oblige to changes the password at least once a year.
Users of the Site bear full personal responsibility for the content and authenticity of the advertisements posted by them (lots, comments, topics, messages, etc.), the nature of the transactions committed, their execution, actions regarding the lots, compliance with Violity Rules, etc.

With negative and zero balance, the following functions will be unavailable for Site Users:
- to bid on a lot;
- to put up a lot for sale;
- to write a comment for this item;
- to write to the Seller or the Buyer in the negotiation chat before the balance replenishment;
- to give feedback on the transaction;
- to receive a response from your counterparty.

Appeals referring to a negative or zero balance are not taken into account while considering conflict topics. Negative or zero balance does not relieve Users from the deal obligations and from compliance with the Rules.

2.Prior to putting the item up for sale, a Seller claims that he has legal rights for possession, use and disposal, as well as full contractual capacity regarding this item. A Seller simultaneously has to declare the item’s compliance with the criteria for admissibility established by the Site Rules and current legislation, including the absence of prohibitions and encumbrances, restrictions put by authorized authorities, the absence of any litigations and / or pre-trial investigations for the item placed for sale. A seller voluntary and independently accepts all the risks and liability / consequences for the inconsistency of the foregoing statement of reality. The Seller of the item is solely responsible for the authenticity of the item, the relevance and reliability of the information provided about the item.

3. It is prohibited to put up for sale items listed in Appendix 1. Goods prohibited for sale.

In the case of the of the selling of the items, for the realization (alienation, sale, purchase, circulation, etc.) of which active legislation requires an excise tax, license, permit, any other approval document, for users is mandatory to obtain all required documents from the authorized government institutions in advance (before placing the lot on the Site) and present them at the first request of the Site administration. In case of failure to provide the relevant document, the Site administration has the indisputable right to remove the lot from the Site without any explanations. Taking into account the fact that the Site administration neither hold title, no sell the relevant items, has nothing to do and has no relations to them, all the responsibility for actions with such items and all consequences thereof, rests exclusively with the parties to the transaction (the seller and the buyer).

4. The sale of MDM (mass-dimensional models) of modern (XX-XXI centuries) combat firearms, cold steel weapons, weapons and military hardware is allowed only if there is a factory passport of MDM, or the conclusion of the State Research and Expert Forensic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (SREFC) and in accordance with law (for lots currently on the custom territory of Ukraine).

5. It is desirable to have a gemmological expertise and assay service certificates, or opinions of the experts that have been trained and certified prior to sale of precious and semiprecious stones and modern jewelry with inclusions.
When exhibiting lots, links to these documents are desirable, but not necessary.
Administration doesn't investigate the conflicts without the presence of these documents.

6. If the site is unavailable due to a Doss attack or other technical reasons during the bidding for specific lot, or if the Administration establishes the fact of a technical failure in the proper functioning of the Violity hardware and software complex in the lot, the Administration has the right to decide to extend the bidding for the lot for the one day or more. The decision to extend the bidding is published by the Administration in the comments to such an extended lot.
Requests for the extension of the bidding for the lot, justified by reasons of a technical nature, are reviewed by the Administration, subject to the User's request no later than 12 hours from the end of the bidding.
The absence of Internet connection on the User's equipment, electricity failures, malfunctions / defects of the User's equipment, malfunction of payment systems, or other reasons may not justify to continue the bidding. The Administration reserves the right to make a decision to extend or not the bidding based on the reason provided in the request.

The decision of the Administration to prolong the bidding voided the recognition of the winner of the bidding the User who made the maximum bid until the final completion of the bidding and revealing the new final bid.
The seller, who received a payment for such an extended lot, has the right to contact the Administration using the "Complain" functionality, which is located on the page of such an extended lot, with a statement about the early completion of the extended bidding and recognition of the User who paid for the lot as the Winner of the bidding.
All other bidders cannot challenge the decision of the Seller who received payment for such lot to end the extended bidding early.
The Seller, who did not apply to the Administration with a statement about the early completion of the bidding and recognition as the Winner of the bidding the User who already paid for the lot, undertakes to reimburse such User in full within 12 hours from the moment of the request for refund.

Any debates and disputes regarding the results of bidding/sales with reference to technical problems are prohibited. In case of violation – a warning or a ban for 5 days.

In case of intentional or accidental overstating of the rate by the Buyer, as well as when attempting to disrupt bidding by flooding – the Administration has the right to extend bidding from one to four days.

7. Rules for payment of lots.

7.1. Terms.
Verified user (verified seller and / or verified buyer) is an site user (seller and / or buyer) who has passed the verification procedure and has an active certification mark "Verified User" in his User profile.
Verified data is the delivery point and user contact details that he provided for verification.
Verified billing information – the information is necessary for proper billing provided by the user for purpose of verification.
Deferred payment is a payment to the account specified by the seller of the lot, after receiving the lot by the verified Buyer according to his verified billing information, taking into account the terms specified in paragraph II.2.
Cash on delivery (COD) is the amount of money that the post office collects on behalf of the sender (seller) from the recipient (buyer) upon delivery of the last lot and which is forwarded to the sender (seller).

7.2. The payment rules (indicated in paragraph VI.7.4) are advisory in nature and are determined by conditions specified by the Seller in the "Payment" column totaling up to 100 UAH/ 4 $/ 4 €/ 15 zł inclusive (excluding shipping and packaging costs) purchased by Buyers with any business rating from verified Sellers. Counterparties are given the right to negotiate a method of payment in the comments and agree prior to the bidding for the lot is over (prior to clicking "Buy", "Buy now") .

7.3. If the Seller indicates in the column “Delivery” a personal meeting, the Buyer and the Seller, regardless of the ratings, are required to complete the transfer of the lot and cash settlements for the lot in person.

7.4. A seller with a seller’s business rating below 20 is obliged to send the lot to the buyer with the buyer’s business rating below 50 and to the buyer who does not have the right to deferred payment – cash on delivery in the amount of 100% of the lot value.
A seller with a seller’s business rating below 20 is obliged to send the lot according to verified data to a verified buyer with a buyer’s business rating above "50.01" with 100% deferred payment.

An unverified seller with a seller’s business rating above 20 is obliged to send the lot to the buyer with the buyer’s business rating below 50 and to the buyer who does not have the right to deferred payment – cash on delivery in the amount of 100% of the lot value.
An unverified seller with a seller’s business rating above 20 is obliged to send the lot according to verified data to a verified buyer with a buyer’s business rating above "50.01" with 100% deferred payment.

The buyer, regardless of the rating of the buyer, is obliged to pay the lot at verified billing information to the verified seller who has a business rating of the seller above 20 and does not have three negative reviews in the user profile – according to the terms specified by the Seller in the "Payment" column.
A seller with a negative business rating of the seller, or having three or more negative reviews on transactions is not entitled to an advance payment on the transaction.

The buyer, with the buyer’s business rating above "50.01", has no right to request a privilege to pay for the purchased lot within three business days after delivery if at least one of following statements below is true:
- Buyer is an unverified user;
- Buyer presented the unverified data for the lot delivery;
- Buyer's profile contains at least one negative review for refuse to redeem a lot;
- Buyer's profile contains three or more negative reviews on transactions.

7.5. For the user who does not comply with the above conditions (violation of paragraphs VI.7.2 - VI.7.4 of the Rules), he will receive a ban for up to 30 days.

7.6. The Violity site and the Administration of Violity site do not provide any guarantees or assurances regarding Buyers and Sellers. The Violity site and the Administration of Violity site are not liable for any possible losses (material or reputational) resulting from the transaction taking into account the business ratings of the Seller and the Buyer, even if the User informs the Administration about them, or even if the Administration could foresee the potential possibility of losses, described above.

7.7. For users who have activated the My Store service at the OXO and have their own officially registered online store selling consumer goods, payment terms are allowed according to the policies of this online store, other than the payment rules for the OXO . Since large wholesale online stores can guarantee their reputation. But only if these conditions are spelled out in the “Payment” column when creating the lot and the buyer is familiarized with the payment terms in advance. It is recommended not to make rash bids until all the nuances in the lot have been clarified.

8. The buyer pays the seller only an amount equal to the winning price of the lot (fixed - for lots with a fixed price) and postal services (the cost of transportation, the "cash on delivery" service and the necessary packaging (package) purchased from the carrier).
The shipment of the lot is according to the current legislation of the state of location of the lot and is paid by the buyer upon receipt of the shipment (if the shipment price is not agreed in advance), according to the tariffs of the freight carriers specified in the lot. If one buyer purchases several lots from one seller, the latter must, at the request of the buyer, make a combined (joint) sending of several lots in one postal item. Packaging of the lot must reasonably correspond to the size and value of the lot. The seller should not overstate the cost of packaging or choose it irrationally.
The Administration strongly suggests to negotiate the cost of delivery of the items weighing more than 25 kg or with actual length / width of more than 100 cm in the comments to those lots.

When transferring funds to the Seller's account at the bank's branch, through the terminal, through the web-banking, the buyer pays all costs (payment of cash services, payment for the use of the terminal, transfer commission, etc.) charged by the bank for the services rendered. *

The seller in the column "Payment" is obliged to notify the Buyer about the issuing bank of the card, if it is not indicated - the commission for transferring to the card / account of another bank is paid by the Seller.
The percentage charged by the seller's bank for servicing the card, withdrawing cash (determined solely by internal bank-client relationships, depending on the contract, card type, etc.) is paid by the seller.

* When using the Card by the Seller for payments to Privatbank, the commission charged by the bank for the transfer of its own funds using Privat24 to the specified card type is not paid by the Buyer.

9. The transaction is considered completed after payment for the lot, receipt of the lot by the buyer, paying Violity service fees, as well as mandatory posting a review of the deal by both participants in the transaction.

10. The Seller with the seller's business rating of more than 50 may set the item Anonymously. In such cases, the Seller will be listed as Anonymous in the lot.
The seller who exposed the lot as Anonymous is not required to reveal his nickname at the request of Users or Bidders.

11. While creating a lot, the Seller has the right to set the Reserve price and/or Blitz price.

11.1. Reserve price - the minimum price of the goods for which the Seller agrees to sell it. The lot that did not reach the reserve price will be closed without a winner.
The fee for setting the reserve price is 1% of the specified amount and is not refundable regardless of the results of the bidding. This fee is written off at the time of the creation of the lot.
The seller has the right to cancel the established reserve price during active bidding, while the fee for setting the reserve price is not refundable.
Bidders for the lot with the established reserve price cannot see the amount of the reserve price. The seller is not obliged to indicate the presence of the Reserve price or reveal its size.

11.2. Blitz price is the maximum price of the Lot for which the Seller offers the Buyer to purchase the Lot, without waiting for the end of the auction. By clicking the "Blitz-price" button, the User is automatically appointed as the Winner of the auction and receives priority in purchasing the Lot from the Seller.

The Seller may:
- remove the Blitz-price at any time during the auction, but not later than the above-mentioned automatic determination of the Winner;
- set, change the Blitz-price until the first bid appears in the lot. Once a bid is placed, the "Blitz-price changes", "Blitz-price settings" functions become unavailable.

12. "Anti-sniping". The end of bidding for a lot will be automatically extended by 5 minutes, counting from the moment of a bid made less than 5 minutes before the bidding ends.

13. After creating the lot, a Seller can order a prepaid advertising of the lot of the following types: advertising on the forum, advertising in the e-mail newsletter, advertising in the Violity Recommendation block. It is possible to order one type or several types of advertisements simultaneously.

Processing fee for advertising services is debited only after moderation of the lot and no later than 24 hours from the date of application for advertising of the lot. The administration reserves the right to refuse to advertise the lot.

The seller of the lot has the right to cancel prepaid advertising service, while the fee for these services is not refundable.
After processing fee for advertising services were paid, the lot will be advertised on daily basis until the end of the bidding for any of the reasons listed below, whatever from the following will take place: the lot has been sold, the lot has been closed by the Administration for violation of the Rules, the lot has been withdrawn from the bidding due to the Seller’s been banned, the lot was finished on time but not sold. In case of restarting a lot that was previously advertised, the advertising services for such a restarted lot are not renewable for default, but subject to a new order and new advertising fee.
Payment for advertising services is not refundable, regardless of the results of the bidding, as well as per requests from Sellers due to insufficient, in their opinion, activity in the bidding for lots.

The section “Interesting lots” located on the main page of the Site has no reference to paid advertising service.

14. The sellers has the right to establish a minimum business rating of buyers allowed to bid in their lots.Users with a rating below the established one will not be able to place bid оr make purchases in the Seller's lots

15. Every user has the right to add any other user to his personal list of blocked users without explaining the reasons for the blocking.

Any User included in the list of blocked users from the very moment of blocking can't take part in the following activity regarding the User blocking him:
- place the bets ог make purchases;
- leave comments.
In return, the user who placed the block is unable to see:
- lots on the lists of lots within the sections throughout put up for sale by the users he blocked;
- comments in the lots placed by other Sellers, posted by users he blocked.

16. Excluded. p>

17. Claims and grievances by Users regarding bidding process, site service fee refunds, non-delivery of lots and reviews will be accepted for consideration by the Administration within a period of not more than 40 calendar days following the date of winning bid (closing of a deal on a lot with a fixed price) .

Claims of the Buyers regarding issues of the authenticity of the lots, the compliance of the actual lot with the description and photographs will be accepted for consideration by the Administration within no more than 5 calendar days following the day the lot is received. Furthermore, a Buyer's claim of this kind cannot be filed later than 40 calendar days following the day of the winning bid (closing of a deal on a lot with a fixed price) .

Claims filed after the expiration of the deadlines stated above will not be accepted by the Administration.

Соmplains and claims submitted by the Buyer regarding the integrity of the item are accepted for review and consideration by the Administration only if there is an Inspection Certificate drawn up as the result of inspection and/or receipt of the item at the delivery service department or onsite with a delivery service courier as a witness.
Соmplains and claims submitted by the Buyer regarding the integrity of the item received during a personal meeting will not be accepted by the Administration.
After the actual receipt of lots by the Buyer, the Administration does not consider disputes about the substitution of the lot, receiving a completely different lot, or the presence of new damages to the lot. If, upon receipt of the lot, the Buyer discovers such discrepancies, the Violity Administration recommends: drawing up an inspection report at the post office (or another document provided by the postal operator), taking photographic documentation of the lot at the post office, not receiving the lot, and then inviting a moderator to the chat to resolve the issue regarding this transaction.

18. The Violity site and the Administration of Violity site are not a party to the transaction between the Buyer and the Seller, are not liable for the obligations of the Users and/or Counterparties participating in the conclusion and execution of the transaction participating in the bidding and are not responsible for their actions / inactions. Failure by the Counterparty of the transaction to fulfill its obligations under the transaction is the basis for the occurrence before the second Party of the civil and (or) other liability transaction provided for by the current legislation.

19. All torts between counterparts, including improper fulfillment by them of all obligations under the transaction to be resolved by the parties independently, the Rules regulate only the order of actions of counterparties after the active bidding is finished (closing of a deal on a lot with a fixed price) until the transaction is fully completed.
The sanctions provided for the case of violation of the Rules concern the restriction of the access of one of the counterparties to the Violity resource, namely:
after creating a topic in the chat room, a counterparty gets a warning message with a link to the lot. If a reasonable explanation was not given within 48 hours after the invitation (reduction of the review period by the decision of the representative of the Administration is allowed), sanctions may apply to the counterparty according to the Rules.
In case of conflict situations with the Seller and the Buyer on the issues of concluding and proper finish of transactions by the counterparties, (including when identifying signs of illegal acts) using the Violity site software and hardware complex, the affected participant has the right to count on consulting support from the security service and the legal service of the resource, acting within their competence in accordance with applicable law.

20. Users are prohibited from selling, donating, transferring for temporary or permanent use, or in any other way alienating a user’s registered profile to third parties. In case of violation, the user profile will be deactivated in all Violity resources and sites.

21. Charity lots. Payment and shipment.
Charity lot – a lot in which the lumpsum of the winning price of the lot (fixed – for lots with a fixed price) is to be transferred by the Buyer to the charitable purposes indicated by the Seller in the description of the lot. The Seller of the Charity Lot cannot be the beneficiary of the revenue gained from the sale of the Charity Lot.
A lot gets the status of a Charity Lot from the moment the Violity administration representative check the mark "Charity lot" on the page of such a lot, assignment of status is based on the results of verification of the properties of the charitable lot as per request of the Seller. The Administration reserves the right to deny the Sellers request to assign to the lo status of "Charity".
No later than 72 hours from the moment the Seller (regardless of the business rating of the Seller) enters the chat of the Charity Lot, the Buyer of the Charity Lot is due to pay money in the equivalent of the winning lot price (fixed – for lots with a fixed price) to the account indicated by the Seller in the description of the lot which is account of a charitable organization or an individual in need of charitable assistance.
No later than 3 business days following the day the Buyer must to present in the chat a confirmation of the transfer of funds in full to the account of a charitable organization or an individual in need of Charitable assistance, the Seller of the Charity Lot must to present in the chat a confirmation of sending the Charity Lot to the Buyer.

22. The user affirms that his assets (funds, including electronic money, other property, property and non-property rights) are not such as are associated with terrorism and its financing, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and its financing, and he personally at the time of conclusion and the execution of the transaction does not fall under the restrictions established by the Law of Ukraine dated 06.12.2019 No. 361-IX On prevention and counteraction to legalization (laundering) of the proceeds from crime or terrorism financing, as well as financing proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

23. The text of the Rules can be edited and supplemented if necessary. Any changes and additions to the Violity Rules from the moment of entry into force equally apply to all persons who have registered on the Violity site, including those registered before the date of entry into force of the changes (additions). Information about changes and additions is published in Feed in the User's сabinet and is considered as a fact of proper informing of the User about such changes and additions.

24. Appeals of individuals and legal entities.
You can write an official appeal or request to the e-mail address [email protected] We will register and reply only those appeals that have:

For an individual submits:
- surname, first name, patronymic and signature of the author;
- postal address where the applicant lives;
- e-mail address of the applicant;
- the essence of the appeal.

For a legal entity submits:
- surname, first name, patronymic of the manager (representative) and signature of the author;
- postal address of the office;
- e-mail address of the applicant;
- the essence of the appeal;
- confirmation of the authority of the representative.

We consider only those appeals (requests for information and other official documents) that are presented in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine. If you send any of these documents by e-mail, they must have a qualified electronic signature of the author and comply with the requirements for electronic document management.
For the attention of representatives of law enforcement agencies and other authorities we underline that information regarding personal data of users of Violity has a special regime of protection under a special law, that we do not violate even in the conditions of a nuclear or intergalactic war.
In connection with the state of war in Ukraine, Violity Administration does not meet any individuals or representatives in person, and all correspondence is carried in electronic form only.
Taking into account the fact that this disclaimer is placed together with Violity's details, by contacting us you confirm the fact that you completely understand, agree and accept with the disclaimer.

Appendix 1. Goods prohibited for sale
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