The product is sold at a fixed price. After clicking the "Buy" button, the seller will contact you to complete the purchase. Authorization is not required.
Приват, тас, аваль
Submitting a lot
НП, Укрпочта, наложенный платёж (according to the current legislation of the seller's country of residence).
By activating "Purchased", you agree to pay this amount to the Seller. In case of non-payment, the fee for all Violity services for this lot will be debited from your virtual account in accordance with p. IV.14 of the Rules.
Please select the type of violation from the list:
How does AUTO BIDDING work
This is a function that helps you place bids automatically in case your bet is interrupted.
For example, current lot price is UAH 120. You are ready to bargain up to UAH 5 000. Enter 5 000 in the field "Automatic bargaining" and click "Place Bet". As a result, your new rate will appear, but not in the amount of UAH 5 000, but only UAH 121. In this case, the system will remember that you are ready to bargain up to UAH 5 000, and will make the necessary bids for you if the price continues to rise.
Let's say another participant places a bet of UAH 2 000. Then the system will automatically place your bet of 2 001 UAH. And only if someone places a bet more than UAH 5 000, you will receive a notification that your auto rate has been interrupted.
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