Rise of the Machines: June Oven ovens turn on in the US at night

Rise of the Machines: June Oven ovens turn on in the US at night

16 August 2019, 0:27
A source: © popmech.ru
Photo © popmech.ru

Owners of "smart cars" in the United States are puzzled that their June Oven ovens turn on at night and heat up to 200 degrees. At the moment, 3 such cases have already been recorded.

The strange behavior of the ovens manifests itself in spontaneous switching on at about 3 a.m. and heating up to more than 200 degrees. Moreover, in two of them the temperature was held for several hours.

One of the owners of the June Oven oven reported that his oven turned on at about one in the morning. She heated the potatoes left in her to 218 degrees Celsius. Then she maintained the temperature for 4 hours.

Of course, this behavior of "smart machines" could not go unnoticed by users. After all, this spontaneous and spontaneous heating is a potential threat of fire. Especially when you consider that in the kitchen with an oven there are flammable objects.

Despite the fact that no one has yet reported the June Oven fire, the owners of the ovens bombarded the manufacturer with complaints. They are confused by the behavior of devices.

The company does not want to acknowledge the problem. Her leadership believes that the owners themselves are to blame for the spontaneous heating. The latter could accidentally press a button or violate operating conditions.

In September, the manufacturer plans to release a software update for “smart” ovens, which, among other things, will prohibit the oven from heating up if nothing is in it.
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