Fantasy wallpaper for children of a Chinese artist

Fantasy wallpaper for children of a Chinese artist

16 August 2019, 16:49
A source: ©
Photo ©

Children's fantasy has no aisles. It manifests itself literally in everything and the task of parents is to create favorable soil for this. There are many methods, and we will talk about one of them.

Chinese artist Sian Zeng, who moved to Hungary and then to London, where she graduated from the University of Arts, creates unusual wallpapers. The woman is inspired by children's fairy tales and comes up with unimaginable scenes. Incredible, funny and sometimes extravagant prints appear in her mind.

Sian Zeng wallpapers allow children to create their own stories in which different birds and animals take part. The author of such unusual decoration elements prefers pigs, geese and frogs. In her version, they fly, jump and even talk.

Animals and birds do the latter using interactive clouds. Children themselves prescribe the plot of their story, supplementing it with phrases, actions, drawings.
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