The oldest webcam will be turned off 25 years after launch

The oldest webcam will be turned off 25 years after launch

21 August 2019, 15:49
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The FogCam webcam, which is installed at the University of California at San Francisco, will be disabled after 25 years of service. This gadget is considered the oldest and working so far.

FogCam was installed in 1994 by students Jeff Schwartz and Dan Wong. Now, after 25 years, they decided to turn it off. This is what they reported on their Twitter. Disconnection is planned at the end of this month.

This student camera has worked for 25 years - a record time. Although she is still not the first. In 1991, a webcam was installed at the University of Cambridge, which was to check the completeness of the coffee pot. It was turned off 10 years after the start of work.

Like many network technologies, webcams and video chats have gained mass popularity. The need for “live” video images gave rise to webcams capable of broadcasting over the Internet in the form of a video stream that does not require the viewer to manually update the image; and soon special plugins became unnecessary in modern browsers.

At the same time, there are known cases of obstruction of the development of the sphere of using webcams.
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