Japanese artist creates sculptures of birds and animals from balloons

Japanese artist creates sculptures of birds and animals from balloons

25 August 2019, 10:46
A source: © cpykami.ru
Photo © cpykami.ru

This Japanese artist has been creating sculptures from balloons for more than 7 years. Masayoshi Matsumoto accidentally became interested in this hobby. Once he saw in the park how fancy figures were created from balloons and decided to try to do it himself.

First he made one sculpture, then the second, the third ... The Japanese master dedicated another series of sculptures from balloons to birds, fish, animals and even insects. At Masayoshi Matsumoto, they look detailed and realistic. You can’t even believe that when they were created, the artist used only balloons and nothing more.

According to Masayoshi Matsumoto himself, work on one figure takes from 2 to 6 hours. It all depends on its size, number of colors and details. Inflating, combining, twisting, the master “breathes” life into seemingly lifeless balloons.

The only negative of this creativity is the fragility of these air sculptures. But that does not stop Masayoshi Matsumoto from developing his hobby. And his fans - admire the talent of the Japanese master and his inhabitants of the animal world.
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