Scientists have found a way to extend life

Scientists have found a way to extend life

25 August 2019, 13:20
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Another study revealed a group of biomarker genes that affect life expectancy.

An international group of scientists discovered a group of biomarker genes that, with their activity, affect life expectancy. The study involved scientists from Skoltech, Moscow State University and Harvard.

“In our laboratory, we received these changes in gene expression in response to eight different ways to extend life. Adding to them the results published by other scientific groups, we obtained data on the effect of 17 exposures. And although in general the effect of various therapies could be quite specific, a certain group of genes similarly changed their activity in response to a variety of influences, ”noted the first author of the study, Alexander Tyshkovsky. - Currently, we are experimentally testing their effect on the lifespan of mice. We hope that the biomarkers we discovered will help to simplify and accelerate the search for new effects that can increase the life expectancy in mice and, in the future, in humans.”

Biomarkers discovered during testing of mice have helped scientists identify several promising ways to increase life expectancy. Among other things - chronic hypoxia and some chemical compounds.
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