Sleeping beauties and formidable athletes - ideas for shooting babies

Sleeping beauties and formidable athletes - ideas for shooting babies

11 October 2019, 12:25
A source: ©
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Photography and video shooting is a very time-consuming process. This is confirmed by any professional operator. It is necessary to think over the concept, choose the appropriate background, images and do not forget about the details. Often the preparation itself takes even more than one day.

If we talk about models for shooting, then here is not so simple. You need to catch their mood. Using your lens to emphasize strengths, try to hide weaknesses.

In the situation with newborns, this procedure is even more complicated. Due to their age, desire or unwillingness to do something. But despite this, the shooting result is astounding.

This collection of emotional and cute photographs of babies confirms that there are many ideas for shooting them. Perhaps some of them will even be prophetic.

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