Atlanta hairdresser invents new looks for pets

Atlanta hairdresser invents new looks for pets

13 October 2019, 18:25
A source: ©
Pet owners cannot but pamper their pets. Anais Hayden makes their dreams come true. In her free time from her main job, she comes up with images for dogs and cats.

The girl brightly paints the fur of animals and cuts unusual hairstyles for them. For this Anais Hayden uses ammonia-free paints and miniature tools. It turns out pretty unusual transformation. And the talented master does not plan to stop there.

The average price of a new look for a dog is around £ 400. As a rule, girls, Yorkshire terriers become clients of the girl. She chooses them because of the special composition of the coat. But for the breeds of dogs, she finds time. As well as for cats, rabbits.

On average, work on one image varies from 2 to 7 hours. Dyeing and haircut lasts up to several months. Further correction is required.

Anais Hayden has partnered with many kennels and shelters for homeless animals. Her hobby is a way to help animals gain owners.

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