Motorcycles with dials and cars with straps - steampunk figures from vintage watch parts

Motorcycles with dials and cars with straps - steampunk figures from vintage watch parts

14 October 2019, 19:34
A source: ©
Dan Tanenbaum is a Canadian artist and sculptor. In addition to being a creative person recognized by his entire city, he is also just a talented master.

Dan Tanenbaum's hobby is creating steampunk figures from vintage watch parts. His creations are incredibly detailed, thought out and creative. It's hard to imagine how much time a guy spends on one figure.

Dan Tanenbaum is looking for materials for his work at flea markets, flea markets. Many details are brought to him by friends and acquaintances who know about his hobby. Old clocks, stopwatch, chronometers are used. Some of these devices are operational. Therefore, Dan Tanenbaum leaves them in his personal museum.

Due to the fact that the mechanisms with which the Canadian artist has to work are miniature, he has to select the appropriate tools. Tweezers, awl, tweezers are used.

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