Pink Panther and Yellow Bugs Bunny - graffiti with a touch of British illustrator

Pink Panther and Yellow Bugs Bunny - graffiti with a touch of British illustrator

16 October 2019, 12:40
A source: ©
The British illustrator brings characters from famous cartoons to the city walls. This guy chose Paris for himself. Oh believes that the best city to start creativity can not be found.

Of course, not all works of the British illustrator can be shown to children. Many of them are provocative. But, as a rule, his characters are very realistic. They are literally mesmerizing. And this applies not only to children, but also to adults.

One British publication managed to interview this mysterious artist who is not indifferent to cartoons. He began his work in 2015. Although separate animated plots of this Briton appeared earlier.

So why exactly 2015? From that moment, the guy began to take part in competitions. He began to receive first comments from experts and critics. This master has become a major figure in the graffiti scene.

The Briton over the years of creativity managed to develop his own unique style, for which the use of comics and the mass character were characteristic techniques. In addition, he began to adjust their storylines. So the artist adapted pink panthers and yellow hares to the present.

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