Crazy way to use plastic bottles: a canadian is building an unusual village

Crazy way to use plastic bottles: a canadian is building an unusual village

20 October 2019, 14:22
A source: ©
The reason for the arrival of Robert Bezeau in Panama from Canada was the struggle for the disposal of plastic. He led the corresponding program in 2012.

At first he did this in his spare time, and then it became the meaning of his life. For 1.5 years, the man managed to collect more than a million plastic bottles. Robert Bezeau came up with a way to use them without harming the environment.

The man looked at recycling plastic from a different angle. He began to use it to build a village in the province of Bocas del Toro.

The project Robert Bezeau was named Plastic Bottle Village. Plastic bottles have become insulating material inside concrete walls. Such houses are resistant to earthquakes and do not need to install air conditioning. The innovator believes that this is another plus for protecting the environment.

The construction of such houses effectively neutralizes the negative effects of the disposal of human waste on the environment.

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