Travel photographer has become famous for his hobby

Travel photographer has become famous for his hobby

24 October 2019, 18:39
A source: ©
Before you go on a trip, pay attention to the pictures of this German photographer. Daniel Ernst has 2 hobbies: travel and photography. He goes to the most remote parts of the planet and takes them off.

Finished work Daniel Ernst puts on Instagram. Thanks to his passion, he has already recruited more than 665,000 subscribers who closely monitor his expeditions.

It took the traveler-photographer only a few years to visit New Zealand, Norway, the Faroe Islands, the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, China, Iceland, Switzerland and Austria. Most often, Danel rents a car or buys a bus ticket. Having reached the destination, he begins to make his way deep into. So the guy explores little-known trails.

“I always carry a card, a miner's flashlight, a first aid kit, lightweight insulating clothing and a raincoat. Of course, the accessories for my camera - batteries, a tripod, lenses, a remote control - are always in my luggage. Depending on the trip, I take with me a sleeping bag and foam, a tent, a gas burner and provisions for the right time,” he says.

Despite the fact that his hobby takes a lot of time, the traveler-photographer has a major job. He is an engineer. He grew up in Frankfurt, the last few years he lives in New Zealand.

“With my photographs and stories, I want to inspire people, causing a desire, motivation to leave behind the bustle, to escape from routine, to go out, explore and feel nature. We are fortunate to have many opportunities in this world, the whole thing is to realize them,” says Daniel.

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