Broccoli Helps Treat Herpes

Broccoli Helps Treat Herpes

28 October 2019, 12:56
A source: ©
A new study conducted by German scientists, revealed previously unknown properties of broccoli. In their opinion, its results should contribute to the creation of a medicine for herpes.

To conduct the experiment, scientists infected more than 12,000 skin cells with the herpes virus and observed changes in the work of more than 3,000 genes. It turned out that the intensity of the infection is affected by the activity of the gene chain associated with the work of the NRF2 protein.

To stop the development of the virus, the Germans used an experimental drug for kidney disease RTA-402 and a similar substance, sulforaphane. The latter is found in large quantities in broccoli and other types of cabbage. The result is a slowdown in the spread of infection and virus production by already infected cells. Scientists also managed to protect healthy cells.

According to experts from the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, the results of their work on this study will help create an effective medicine for herpes.

Recall that the herpes virus hsv-1 is the cause of rashes on the lips, and the hsv-2 virus is on the genitals. It is believed that this infection may be associated with a number of dangerous human diseases.
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