There is never a lot of noise: Internet craftsmen make musical instruments for children with their own hands

There is never a lot of noise: Internet craftsmen make musical instruments for children with their own hands

29 October 2019, 10:03
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Children love to make noise. It is a fact. And the task of adults is to make them make noise with benefit. For example, create noise musical instruments for them. Internet artisans share their work.

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Tambourine from metal bottle caps
This musical instrument can be made from a handful of metal covers and a suitable branch. The latter is painted in bright colors. And with the help of wire, pre-straightened covers are strung on a stick.
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Here you will need several cans, an elastic band and a balloon. Part of the ball is put on a jar, fixed with elastic and ready to bongo. Unusual sound provided.

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To create this musical instrument, you need to show at least a savvy. Find material for its parts. After all, sound is important here. You can connect two wooden plates or parts of thick cardboard. Some craftsmen stop even on colored paper.

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These sonorous bells can be removed from old toys or bought in a store. The main thing is to find a basis for them and attach to it. The holder may be a cardboard base from paper towels or cling film.

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Color drums
These are perhaps the most favorite musical instruments of children. You can make them from old cans like bongos, or dream up and find something else. The main thing is to make them bright, colorful and noisy. And do not forget about the chopsticks.
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