North Carolina Jeweler Creates Cities on the Rings

North Carolina Jeweler Creates Cities on the Rings

29 October 2019, 10:29
A source: ©
Hobbies Ola Shehtman - creating jewelry. An artist from North Carolina came up with a way to capture cities and their attractions in the rings.

Ola was born in Siberia. She spent her childhood and youth in Europe. Now lives in the USA. In her works, she copies from memory the landscapes of world capitals. Ola embodies them in small jewelry that can be worn on a finger.

For example, the Paris ring shows the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, the Moulin Rouge and the Sacre Coeur Basilica. By analogy, the artist and the jeweler created rings about Washington, Hong Kong, London, Berlin, Amsterdam.

Ola uses not only gold and silver as materials. Although they are most in demand among its customers. The jeweler creates his masterpieces, usually from jewelry steel.

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