Ohio Needlewoman Knits Amazing Halloween Costumes

Ohio Needlewoman Knits Amazing Halloween Costumes

30 October 2019, 15:06
A source: © bigpicture.ru
Stephanie Pokorny creates incredible costumes for his four sons. She crochets them. On the eve of Halloween, the woman showed what she would dress her boys.

Each costume that Stephanie Pokorny creates is adorned with different details. Sometimes the needlewoman even uses special effects in the form of light bulbs. In these costumes, her sons collect the most sweets for the holiday.

Stephanie Pokorny learned to knit at age 16. At first it was a harmless hobby. The seriousness was added to him by the birth of his first son. She knitted clothes for her baby.

Subsequently, after the birth of the fourth boy, she decided to concentrate on costumes for Halloween. Now the guys tell their mother who they want to be, and she knits for them.

To create one costume, Stephanie Pokorny takes up to 50 hours of painstaking work. Every year, the craftswoman improves the technique of knitting. Thanks to this, she recreates the conceived images. And these costumes are very warm, which is important for children.

This fall, she connected the characters from the movie "The Lord of the Rings" and "Alien." In addition to the characteristic details, Stephanie Pokorny added some special effects to them: glowing eyes and shimmering “skin”.

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