Drink coffee on health! The drink revealed anti-inflammatory properties

Drink coffee on health! The drink revealed anti-inflammatory properties

31 October 2019, 9:19
A source: © gi.org
Regular consumption of coffee leads to a decrease in the occurrence of inflammatory processes. To such conclusions came American researchers.

The study involved 34 people. Specialists at Baylor College of Medicine took a biopsy of the colon mucosa from different segments of it. Then they compared the indicators of people who often consumed caffeine with those who did not do it often and those who did not do it at all.

It turned out that the first group has more anti-inflammatory bacteria Faecalibacterium and Roseburia and less harmful Erysipelatoclostridium. This composition and structure of the intestinal mucosa play an important role in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and liver disease.
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