Barsys has created a smart stand for cocktails

Barsys has created a smart stand for cocktails

8 November 2019, 23:36
A source: ©
To make the perfect cocktail, just connect a novelty from Barsys - a glass stand, to the gadget where the corresponding application is installed. You need to pour the ingredients until the glass changes color

Barsys created a “smart” glass stand, as even lovers of economy like cocktails. And trips to the bar, as you know, are not cheap.

More recently, a method has appeared that allows you to mix different drinks at home. And do it professionally enough. Barsys created a “smart” stand, which was announced on its official website.

The novelty shows how much this or that ingredient needs to be added to the cocktail. It is enough to put a glass in the stand, attach it to the gadget and start pouring drinks. You only need to install the corresponding application beforehand.

It is noted that the device itself tells you in what sequence you need to add the ingredients. She will change color when enough of this or that drink will be poured.

“With Coaster, we decided to make making a cocktail as easy as pouring a glass of beer or wine,” says Akshet Tevari, founder and CEO of Barsys.
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