The Verkhovna Rada adopted a new law on the transport of children under 12 years old

The Verkhovna Rada adopted a new law on the transport of children under 12 years old

10 November 2019, 1:00
A source: ©
Recently, deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a law according to which children under 12 years old or shorter than 145 cm should be transported in special car seats.

The new law on the transport of children provides for penalties in case of violation of the rules of transportation. The initial fine is 510 UAH., Each repeated - 850 UAH.

There are no car seats in taxi services yet. And if they are, they are quite rare. When this automobile furniture for children is installed, then additional fare will be charged for travel in such cars. When calling the car, the client must warn the dispatcher that he will be with the child, ”the head of one of the Vinnitsa taxi services told VLASNO.

The situation remains when a car, for example, a mother of many children, cries out. In theory, it should provide three or more chairs. But in fact this does not happen. Therefore, until the law has entered into force, passengers with children have not yet been refused.

If the police write out a fine for this offense, it will be paid by the driver of the vehicle, not the client.
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