Houston resident built a house of 11 shipping containers (PHOTO)

Houston resident built a house of 11 shipping containers (PHOTO)

11 November 2019, 22:53
A source: © bigpicture.ru
Most often, construction is delayed and canceled not because of a lack of a concept, but a lack of building materials. Will Bro from Houston was able to finish the planned construction to the end

A resident of Houston built a house of 11 shipping containers. He was able to realize his plans at the lowest cost by building a comfortable three-story house.

Will Bro is a designer by education. All his life he creates home interiors and apartments for his many customers. But to create his own house, he constantly did not have enough strength, time or money, BIG Picture reports.

The designer is believed that for a long time he could not find a project in which he could realize all his requirements. He wanted a small, but quite functional housing. Bro designed a three-story house, where he used 11 metal containers as a building material.

In order to build his house as qualitatively as possible, Bro had to study a lot of literature. After all, this is an atypical type of construction. And, as a rule, the information is presented in the form of videos where experienced people share their experience. It was their designer from Houston who took it into service.

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