A small kitchen as a “tool box” - Architect (PHOTO)

A small kitchen as a “tool box” - Architect (PHOTO)

15 November 2019, 1:31
A source: © archidea.com.ua
Architect Nikolaes Agius believes that the kitchen, even in a small studio apartment, should look like a separate area. It is equipped on the basis of the principles of functionality, aesthetics and convenience.

A small kitchen should fulfill its functions regardless of the size of the apartment. Also, do not forget about its aesthetics and convenience.

The design of this small kitchen, which is more like a buffet, was done by architect Nicolaes Agius. Its design was coined as part of an environmental-friendly project. Agius used laminated wood as the main material, the ARCHIDES website reports.

It is reported that the architect’s idea was implemented in a micro-apartment with an area of ​​25 km. m. It is located in the building, better known as "Cairo apartments", built in 1935 by architect Best Overend.

The authors of the project said that this concept demonstrates maximum convenience with a minimum area. In the small kitchen is transformer furniture and the latest appliances.

According to Agius, the integrated kitchen unit functions as a “tool box”.

Photo © archidea.com.ua

Photo © archidea.com.ua

Photo © archidea.com.ua

Photo © archidea.com.ua
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