Italian photographer showed what toys children from all over the world play (PHOTO)

Italian photographer showed what toys children from all over the world play (PHOTO)

25 November 2019, 22:02
A source: ©
Italian photographer Gabriele Galimberti in his project showed what toys children from around the world play in.

Children's toys in the project of the Italian photographer Gabriele Galimberti (Gabriele Galimberti) became the unwritten symbols of each country.

The Italian went on a trip around the world to study children's affection with the help of photographs. He shot children from dozens of countries surrounded by their favorite toys, which differ in size, quantity and character, reports ZAGGE.

Before shooting, Gabriel met with each participant in his project. He spent some time with him. He played, talked, tried to make toys.

The photographer came to the conclusion that different children had a different attitude to their property. As a rule, this was due to the financial situation and status of their parents.

“I noticed that children from wealthy families have a pronounced possessive attitude towards their property. At first, they generally did not want me to touch their toys, and I needed more time before they would let me play with them. In poor countries, where family incomes are much lower than in Europe, it was much easier. Even if such children had only one or two toys, they no doubt shared them with me.”

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