The story of the girl who inspired Lewis Carroll to write

The story of the girl who inspired Lewis Carroll to write

30 November 2019, 19:26
A source: ©
While one of the most famous works of Lewis Carroll's “Alice in Wonderland” is famous for its surreal story, the main character of the book was actually based on the image of a real little girl. Her name was Alice Pleasant Liddell, and she inspired Carroll to write the famous novel in 1865.

Alice was born on May 4, 1852 in the historical part of London - Westminster. Before Alice, her parents - Henry George Liddell and Lorina Hannah Liddell - already had three children. After her, another six children were born in this family.

As a philologist by training, Father Henry Liddell worked as the principal of the Westminster School. In 1856, he received an offer to take the post of dean at Oxford, and in the same year Alice met Lewis Carroll.

At that time, Carroll worked as a teacher of mathematics. The library window, where he often spent time, overlooked the garden in front of the new dean’s house, where children often played. He soon became friends with the Liddell children, who loved spending time with a young teacher.

Carroll often came up with various fun games, walked with the children in the park and rode boats with them. On one of these boat trips, the famous fairy tale appeared.

In 1862, on a boat trip, Alice Liddell asked Lewis Carroll to write a story for her and her sisters, and he readily agreed. Alice liked the story so much that she asked her to write it down. I had to ask about this several times, and as a result, the author presented the girl with a copy called "Alice's Adventures Underground."

He later rewrote a book under the title that we know today.
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