Monster project: artists create paintings from children's drawings (PHOTO)

Monster project: artists create paintings from children's drawings (PHOTO)

2 December 2019, 22:27
A source: ©
A group of artists from around the world has initiated a project called "Monster"

The Monster project helps children learn how to deal with their fears through their visualization.

The essence of the project is that children are invited to draw the most terrible monsters that they can only imagine. Then their drawings are taken as a basis by professional artists, creating unusual illustrations. About this writes ZAGGE.

Children, portraying their fears, learn to recognize the power of their imagination. And their drawings in the interpretation of professionals convince children to continue to develop their creative potential.

A decrease in the emphasis on the study of art in schools affects the development of children's creative abilities. And only artists can understand how important this stage is in becoming a child. Finding inspiration through your imagination helps you realize the value of your ideas.

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