У США журналісту-епілептику прислали гифку, від якої він мало не помер

У США журналісту-епілептику прислали гифку, від якої він мало не помер

18 December 2019, 16:02
A source: © washingtonpost.com
An American journalist who has epilepsy was sent a multi-colored gif with geometric patterns and text. She almost led to his death.

Gifs shimmered with red, blue and yellow geometric patterns. It read: “You deserve a fit for your posts,” reports The Washington Post.

This was one of the angry messages that Kurt Eichenwald, a journalist from Dallas, received. The reason for this was his negative tweet about Trump. Probably such a psychedelic gif was sent from one of the supporters of the current US president. After this report, Kurt suffered an epileptic seizure, due to which he could die if his wife had not found him.
The Epilepsy Foundation said it is preparing claims for another 30 similar cases: trolls sent pictures to the epileptics with fast flashes of light during the Month of Epilepsy Information in November.
The journalist’s lawyer compared the gif to an envelope with poison, but instead of poison there were electrical impulses, due to which the seizure begins in epileptics.

It was also reported that Google has developed a special application for its search A system that shows the hidden activity of Instagram users.
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